Gear/Transmission Specialist near Keighley

BigColUK Posts: 69
edited September 2011 in MTB workshop & tech
Does anyone know of someone near Keighley with expertise on setting up bike transmission? I've changed nearly every part on my gearing system and both the front and rear mech have been letting me down when I have been out today.

The bike has been into my LBS but they havent resolved the problem.

The slipping/crunching only happens when the drivechain has a strong load on it so it seems fine when on a workstand.

Any help would be appreciated and I would be willing to travel to get it sorted once and for all.

Thanks for any help.



  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I can try and help you from here maybe! What are the parts, and how old is each part?
  • Hi supersonic

    It's the list on my other post which you kindly replied to (Thanks) under: ... 7#17185197

    The reason I have posted another subject is that I have been out at Gisburn to test the chainring theory but all my problems still exist on the new small chainring so I don't think that replacing the middle chainring will help.

    I was hoping that there would be a local expert who can physically check the configuration and advise.


  • What's new and what's not? Is your Mech hanger straight? Nothing bent anywhere? I have just had a mysterious drive problem myself that turned out to be my cassette. My old cassette didn't look too bad really I thought, but I kept getting chain slip under high loads. Changing it and fitting a new chain sorted it though.

    Ah I can see it's not the cassette from your post you posted as I was typing. I'm going to shut up now. Good luck with your problem! 8)
  • Hi

    Everything seems straight and runs OK when in a workstand.

    New: Chain (XTR), Small Chainring (XTR), Jockey Wheels (Tacx), Cassette (XT), Both Gear Cables & Outers (XTR)

    Old (18 Months): Middle & Outer Rings (XTR - No obvious signs of wear), Front Mech (XTR), Rear Mech (SRAM X0) and Shifters (SRAM X0)

    So.....all high quality parts and the cables were fitted by my LBS who checked that everything looked OK.

    It's a shame because the bike used to ride brilliantly but now, I have no confidence taking it out as this problems lets me down at the most inconvenient times!

    Thanks for any advice you can give.
