New trails andCare and bike hut at Plymbridge in Plymouth

PlymouthCyclist Posts: 3
edited September 2011 in MTB general
There are big plans about to build some new trails and a centre kind of like haldon at plymbridge, as usual the dog walkers are up in arms about anything new so we need your help to show there will be alot of support for these new trails follow this link (sorry about the size of it) and comment to say you support the planning designs then hopefully we get new trails ... mit=Search


  • thata brilliant thanks for letting us know! will tie in quite nicely with woodlands, gawton and tavi park plus it means another SW option to Haldon. iv made my feelings known to them so fingers crossed hey!
  • cool thanks tell everyone you know get the word out
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Interesting. National Trust are the applicants.

    Snippet from the application...

    "The woodland areas will be armoured with crushed stone surfacing with a range of typical MTB obstacles. Any tracks will be upgraded by adding a crushed stone surface
    layer to enable a smooth riding surface. See typical details, development report and DAS.
    Signage and interpretation will also be installed which will be woodan and inkeeping with NT signage strategy on the estate."

    Smooth trails with typical MTB obstacles. Just hope they can do one with things more serious than rather tame Haldon.

    Pretty detailed designs there, and also like the two Plans and Drawings documents which serve as pretty good guides to building trails! These should be used be a lot of wannabe trail builders.

    Still, good to see there are plans for more official MTB locations. If it gets built I'll try and check it out when I'm down that way.
  • Brilliant, good news for plymouth riders.
    National trust charges cant be as much as fuel to Haldon for your quick fix if you dont fancy getting blown across dartmoor.
    Just heard about this will watch with interest and join in wherever possible.
    Koo bikes mentioned meet at 6.30 wednesday at coypool carpark. Bring family, bikes and put our point across to the Herald.
  • Saw on the news today some old people up in arms about this. I've registered my approval, let's hope bikers get what we deserve, not a lot going on in Devon (and as already mentioned, Haldon is a bit rubbish).
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Thing is with most trail centre kind of places with signposted dedicated trails, walkers and cyclists are kept apart and usually everyone gets on with each other. It's only walkers that have to share paths with cyclists that start moaning usually ranting on about not hearing them or getting scared by them, even if you allow massive distance between you and make yourself clearly heard. "Get a bell" I hear sometimes. Yeah, tried a bell and got them jumping out of their skin, very dirty looks and they refused to move over.

    Only legal challenge probably will be from ramblers only if the trails cross or use one of their "rights of way" (which they got through acts of trespass let's not forget!). And it's not like this is some scummy bike club trying to do it, it's the NT ;)
  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    stuisnew wrote:
    Haldon is a bit rubbish

    The marked routes are, but there is lots of good riding up there to be found.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yeah, I discovered that recently. I need to explore a bit more next time I'm back down there.
  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    If you remember drop me a PM next time your heading down and I'll send you a pointer or 2 ;)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Here we go


    "But opponents, including Friends of Plymbridge Woods, say the trail will damage the woodland"

    And ramblers hiking in muddy conditions on mass (I often see groups of 20 or 30) with big heavy boots, don't?

    "Friends of Plymbridge Woods says the trail will affect wildlife including badgers, deer and peregrine falcons."

    Rubbish. I see loads of wildlife about on trails all over the place and they are not the slightest bothered by bikes, or at least just keep out the way. Even found deer just standing on the trail before. Just let it walk off, and on I go :)
  • deadkenny wrote:
    Rubbish. I see loads of wildlife about on trails all over the place and they are not the slightest bothered by bikes, or at least just keep out the way. Even found deer just standing on the trail before. Just let it walk off, and on I go :)

    I got stared down by a sinister muntjac deer once. I think I was more intimidated than he was. :/
  • kenan wrote:
    stuisnew wrote:
    Haldon is a bit rubbish

    The marked routes are, but there is lots of good riding up there to be found.

    Sounds like I need to go exploring :D
    I like Haldon, it drains well but after doing teh marked routes a few times I got a bit bored. So i tend to go to Woodbury most of the time.
    I'll give you a shout sometime, maybe you can point me in the right direction.

    PS Sorry for diverging away from the main theme of the OP.
  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    stuisnew wrote:
    kenan wrote:
    stuisnew wrote:
    Haldon is a bit rubbish

    The marked routes are, but there is lots of good riding up there to be found.

    Sounds like I need to go exploring :D
    I like Haldon, it drains well but after doing teh marked routes a few times I got a bit bored. So i tend to go to Woodbury most of the time.
    I'll give you a shout sometime, maybe you can point me in the right direction.

    PS Sorry for diverging away from the main theme of the OP.

    Woodbury is my local, I live at the top of exmouth and can ride out of my garage and be on the common in less that 10 mins, happy days :D

    Ride Haldon most Thursday nights, feel free to drop me a line for some pointers.

    Post back on track, I'v never ridden the trails in Plymouth what they like?
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    I'm probably being thick or I'm blocked cos I'm abroad but being a Plymouth local Id like to comment but I can't see where or how to. Plus the instructions about commenting appear to suggest that "Sounds wicked, do it" is not acceptable and I need to say something more substantial

    Can anyone help out this eegit?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver