Riding after a few beers ?



  • Was stopped 20yrs + ago :oops: by the police in Ireland when the old bag type breathalysier's were in use. Middle of the afternoon coming home from work stopped and asked for a sample. Didn't care as hadn't a drink in the previous 3-4yrs. Found out they needed a clean sample for a mate who had been caught :roll: .
  • Redhog14 wrote:
    You can in fact be prosecuted for being drunk in charge of a bicycle even if you are just pushing it! The same applies to horses by the way.

    But getting drunk and pushing horses is so much fun...
  • Redhog14
    Redhog14 Posts: 1,377
    El Gordo wrote:
    Redhog14 wrote:
    You can in fact be prosecuted for being drunk in charge of a bicycle even if you are just pushing it! The same applies to horses by the way.

    But getting drunk and pushing horses is so much fun...
    tick VG.

    I stay away from horses drunk or sober, nice to look at and let's leave it at that!
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,660
    Did a cycling pub crawl last night. Tow path and a closed Richmond Park, with minor roads linking to pubs. 5 pints in total, but the last pub is only a few doors away from home. I did have a slight mishap approaching the last pub because my foot slipped off the pedal as I attempted a bunny hop. Grazed shin from the pedal and sore plums from bouncing on the saddle. Felt a bit silly.
    Obviously I don't think it's a problem if you don't have too many and I steer clear of main roads. I no longer ride after a major session, but I'm stupid and needed broken ribs to convince me that was really not on. If I hadn't tried to avoid the Thames I would have been wet, but uninjured.
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    DesWeller wrote:
    jim453 wrote:
    It should also be defined what type of space flight we are takling about, are we talking flying the space shuttle home a few blocks from the pub, or flying the space shuttle hard out in the country, and descending and such.

    Everyone has different limits, but flying the space shuttle hammered is not good if you're just coming home from the pub, and not possible if you're on a serious space flight. But "tipsy" or "feeling the buzz" is no reason to call a cab home if you're in your space shuttle.

    Changed this for my own amusement. We've all met people who actually believe this to be true.

    Context is all.


    Does anyone know why I've been called a nob. I often act like a nob and have done in reply to many threads, but not this one. What, Des, is the problem?

    I was only pointing out that the argument against drinking and driving was often made (and accepted) in exactly the same way.
  • jim453 wrote:
    DesWeller wrote:
    jim453 wrote:
    It should also be defined what type of space flight we are takling about, are we talking flying the space shuttle home a few blocks from the pub, or flying the space shuttle hard out in the country, and descending and such.

    Everyone has different limits, but flying the space shuttle hammered is not good if you're just coming home from the pub, and not possible if you're on a serious space flight. But "tipsy" or "feeling the buzz" is no reason to call a cab home if you're in your space shuttle.

    Changed this for my own amusement. We've all met people who actually believe this to be true.

    Context is all.


    Does anyone know why I've been called a nob. I often act like a nob and have done in reply to many threads, but not this one. What, Des, is the problem?

    I was only pointing out that the argument against drinking and driving was often made (and accepted) in exactly the same way.

    Agree, I thought your point was a good one, and the personal attack pretty childish.
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    I was making the point that cut-and-paste skills do not an argument make. OK, so I did it badly and rudely, but it happens a lot on here and it gets on my nerves.

    Contending that a 90kg cyclist at 15mph is somehow equal to a 1500kg car at 30mph+ is pretty nonsensical.
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  • If a 'Few' is more than two, then no; not a good idea. However, the whole idea of the Wednesday club I attend is a ride to a pub! A pint or two on a warm day, is what we are about.

    Having said that, it must be acknowledged that a couple of beers are not performance enhancing. A 50K ride home after a couple of pints and into a headwind, is an experience to be remembered but not repeated.
    The older I get the faster I was
  • DesWeller wrote:
    I was making the point that cut-and-paste skills do not an argument make. OK, so I did it badly and rudely, but it happens a lot on here and it gets on my nerves.

    Contending that a 90kg cyclist at 15mph is somehow equal to a 1500kg car at 30mph+ is pretty nonsensical.[/quote

    But your 90kg cyclist at 15mph is going to be on a road with the 1500kg cars at 30mph+
    There'll be someone, somewhere, whos son was killed by a driver swerving to avoid an hilarious drunk cyclist. Yeah yeah...so it's the extreme....

    Pessimistic? Me? Well at least I'm never disappointed!
  • El Gordo wrote:
    Redhog14 wrote:
    You can in fact be prosecuted for being drunk in charge of a bicycle even if you are just pushing it! The same applies to horses by the way.

    But getting drunk and pushing horses is so much fun...

    And there was me thinking it was about prosecuting drunk horses pushing bicycles. Incidentally, I don't think drunken horses on the public highway are acceptable, with or without a bike, so perhaps they should be prosecuted.

    Personally, I love cycling drunk so much I no longer let myself do it. So much fun is dangerous.
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    KarynPebs wrote:
    DesWeller wrote:
    I was making the point that cut-and-paste skills do not an argument make. OK, so I did it badly and rudely, but it happens a lot on here and it gets on my nerves.

    Contending that a 90kg cyclist at 15mph is somehow equal to a 1500kg car at 30mph+ is pretty nonsensical.[/quote

    But your 90kg cyclist at 15mph is going to be on a road with the 1500kg cars at 30mph+
    There'll be someone, somewhere, whos son was killed by a driver swerving to avoid an hilarious drunk cyclist. Yeah yeah...so it's the extreme....

    Pessimistic? Me? Well at least I'm never disappointed!

    You are right! In fact, now that I think about it, walking by the same roads must be approximately as risky as riding along them, so maybe I'll just stay in the pub...
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  • DesWeller wrote:
    KarynPebs wrote:
    DesWeller wrote:
    I was making the point that cut-and-paste skills do not an argument make. OK, so I did it badly and rudely, but it happens a lot on here and it gets on my nerves.

    Contending that a 90kg cyclist at 15mph is somehow equal to a 1500kg car at 30mph+ is pretty nonsensical.[/quote

    But your 90kg cyclist at 15mph is going to be on a road with the 1500kg cars at 30mph+
    There'll be someone, somewhere, whos son was killed by a driver swerving to avoid an hilarious drunk cyclist. Yeah yeah...so it's the extreme....

    Pessimistic? Me? Well at least I'm never disappointed!

    You are right! In fact, now that I think about it, walking by the same roads must be approximately as risky as riding along them, so maybe I'll just stay in the pub...

    Best to just rent a room above it, work from home, and only travel the stiars down. You could still die though, by drunk walkers. be careful!
  • Knowing your limits while pished is asking a bit much :D ..you've no more chance of making the right decision on a bike or a car...i know :lol:
    Went for a good ride with a mate who's a big drinker, i'm not. We managed 25 miles total and did 7 pubs. 7 pints and 10 miles from home...i thought i felt ok and did ride quite ok for 8 miles of it. Then it kicked in, i walked the last mile :oops:
    I'm not judging, i'm not in a position to :D . I'll ride with a drink, but certaily overdid it that day...but as with car drivers, what you think and what is reality, the drink clouds it all.
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Well, the OP is not 'Can I reasonably expect to batter my liver six ways from Sunday and then ride home in a stable fashion', is it?
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  • centimani.

    7 pubs and 7 pints over 25 miles!!

    That is an adult version of it's a knockout....You can just hear Stuart hall laughing out loud as the riders "fall into the ditch again".

    Thankfully my limits and tolerance are nowhere near that, I doubt I could find the bike after 4 pints, let alone ride it!
  • kev77
    kev77 Posts: 433
    I had an interesting conversation with an ex copper who was respomsible for the GTR Manchester force back in 2004.

    The law came into force in the 1800's and in 2004 had not been updated.

    His version for the law was as follows.

    If you are in charge of an item that is adapted to carry a person/s they can have you for being drunk in charge.

    Let me break it down for you a bit better ( they can go to the extreme with this law )

    Space hopper
    Even a shopping trolley

    All of the above on the public highway

    These are to name a but a few, they cannot arrest you on private land ( his words )
    so if you are drunk pushing your child around a supermarket you are safe.

    He told me the favourite was doing canal boat owners by the pubs in summer because everyone would be drinking and they would do one owner after another it is of course easy pickings.

    Strange law i know