for a change, the cyclist being in the wrong...

robdaykin Posts: 102
edited August 2011 in The bottom bracket
Coming home tonight, I got caught up in traffic near the hospital. 2 ambulances pulled out just ahead of me, and traffic was tailed back a fair way behind. I just sat politely behind the back end of the Beamer ahead of me, in the middle of the lane.
Suddenly an ambulance comes out of the hospital behind, with sirens and lights blaring, so we all moved left to let it through. As the traffic moved on we all eased back to position, though the car behind me seemed to develop a faulty horn. Then one of the ambulances ahead got a call and pulled round the front ambulance, which moved in to the kerb to let it past.
Sat waiting, suddenly this girl/lady on a hybrid rolls up the inside of me, just as an ambulance comes round the corner ahead, and the Beamer moves back to the kerb to let it through. Fortunately he saw her, and stopped as she crept up his inside. Undeterred by a near miss there she tries to ride up the inside of the ambulance, but fails to mount the kerb. So she slows right down, and teeters around behind it. The ambulance finally got to the roundabout where the traffic is easing and accelerates through the junction. She starts to turn left, then flicks her right hand out at waist level, presumably to indicate. The signal was very brief because she was losing control with only one hand on the bars for even that long. Still teetering she then veered sharply left and up onto the pavement. She then veered right and tried to ride off the pavement into the road in front of the Beamer, who credit to him misses her again. Finally she stopped halfway across the pavement, partway round the roundabout. That's all I know, because at that point I turned off heading to the left, where there was no traffic.

I can't help thinking she was going to end up in one of those ambulances before too long.
