Italians, don't you just love them!

ashleymp777 Posts: 1,212
edited August 2011 in The bottom bracket
Went to order a new Wilier frame this morning only to be told that the entire factory are on holiday and won't be back until mid-September. Whilst I applaud their work ethics it can be frustrating sometimes. Oh well, a few more weeks won't do any harm.


  • It'll be there eventually, and probably of better quality since the wrenchers will be happy after holiday!
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    Does the Alfa Romeo factory still shut for summer? Had a mate who discovered that a few years ago when he was looking to buy a new car and the extra wait made him buy something else.
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Turkey is also closed for the next 3 weeks as well in case you need anything Turkish. Like dates. Or Delight. Or... errr, that's about it really. Belly dancers? Funny hoobly boobly water pipes?
  • I think the guy who told you that wasn't talking seriously and if he was, he had to justify the delay so he kinda exaggerated the whole thing for, er, let's say "comic relief". It is true this weekend was Ferragosto weekend. There is indeed little activity in Italy between say, August 10 and August 16. Buuut there is just no way an Italian factory is going to be closed until mid-September in 2011 "cos' everybody's on holiday".
    Were you ordering a 2011 frame? Right now Wilier and other Italian exporters are concentrating almost exclusively on the new 2012 collection, so that's why there must be some delay when you order a 2011 frame. Wilier usually have very few frames in stock, especially after March-April, especially in the high range segment. Please be patient, and please believe me, work ethics in Northeastern Italy are just as good as anywhere else in continental Europe.
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    I'll think you'll find that a lot of manufacturing stops in Italy during August due to the amount of staff on holiday.
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Yep just ordered a Colnago, they are shut for august too so another month to add to what should be a painfully long wait.
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    edited August 2011
    I've got a friend who works for the Etro fashion company near Milan and they have all of August off.
  • chiark
    chiark Posts: 335
    Finland does the same thing: effectively July and August are non-working months...

    It gets even better, though: if the Finns take holiday, typically 4 week duration. in the most common times, they earn Holiday Bonus pay, which is typically a 50% bonus on a month's pay.

    i work for a Finnish company, but unfortunately do not get the holiday bonus in England. I am trying to correct this injustice.
    Synapse Alloy 105 / Rock Lobster Tig Team Sl
  • lifeform
    lifeform Posts: 126
    It only seems odd to us Brits.

    A long time ago I worked for a French outsourcing firm, and had to work with the Italian and Portuguese offices on most projects.

    So I could basically forget it if I needed anything between 11am and 3pm from Portugal, could scrap August for both locations, and most afternoons for the Italians.

    I don't think I actually finished any projects in the four years I worked there
  • bill_gates
    bill_gates Posts: 469
    I had to wait ages on an Italian leather sofa coming from Italy for the very same reason, August is basically a non-working month for most manufacturing in Italy.

    "I like riding in my car, it's not quite a Jaguar."
  • Firms round here still do a 'factory fortnight' & shut down for a couple of weeks, it's getting less & less but still is well known.
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    I ordered an Alfa in 2000. I was waiting for ages. The dealer eventually came up with the best/funniest excuse I've ever heard. "They can't make the (leather) seats because of a lack of leather because of the foot and mouth outbreak, It'll be another 3 months". :roll:

    500 miles in, it warned me that the "right rear door open". A quick look over my right shoulder confirmed that I was in fact driving a two door.

    Got a love 'em !!!
  • neilo23
    neilo23 Posts: 783
    Germans do it, too. Used to work for a company with 400 employees that made gear boxes and parts for vehicles. I used to be very embarrassed telling someone in South Africa that they would have to wait 6 weeks for a screw because the factory was closed for summer.
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    neilo23 wrote:
    Germans do it, too. Used to work for a company with 400 employees that made gear boxes and parts for vehicles. I used to be very embarrassed telling someone in South Africa that they would have to wait 6 weeks for a screw because the factory was closed for summer.

    I suppose they could just bash one out in the shower like everyone else going through a dry spell. ........
  • neilo23
    neilo23 Posts: 783
    Yossie wrote:
    neilo23 wrote:
    Germans do it, too. Used to work for a company with 400 employees that made gear boxes and parts for vehicles. I used to be very embarrassed telling someone in South Africa that they would have to wait 6 weeks for a screw because the factory was closed for summer.

    I suppose they could just bash one out in the shower like everyone else going through a dry spell. ........

    That sentence was just asking for trouble ,-)
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    Bill Gates wrote:
    I had to wait ages on an Italian leather sofa
    All together now...
    She doesn't care whether or not he's an island
    She doesn't care just as long as his ship's coming in
    She doesn't care whether or not he's an island
    They laugh they make money
    He's got a gold watch
    She's got a silk dress and healthy breasts
    that bounce on his Italian leather sofa.