I love motorists...



  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    I love how all of you guys are saying you can get money, contact a solicitor. Got to love the way cultures are moving now huh!

    Now I've read your post, next time someone runs me over due to their error, smashes my bike to bits and fucks up my shoulder resulting in me having to turn down job offers, and waste a summer sat on my ars* watching Jeremy Kyle, I'll just let him off.

    You are definitely right. I feel ashamed because of my selfish actions :roll:

    LOL, you've misinterpreted what i've said. Get money for the damages, yes. But don't wring people dry just because you feel it is ok. Too many people think in terms of "I can get alot of money from this accident". Saddens me to hear that.

    Some folk are like that, but I wouldn't wish what stress I've had over the last two and a half years, and the expense - all I want is to be put right - that will never happen. Sometimes injury isn't obvious - hence advising the OP not to rush into a settlement on the bike.

    I was all for the lass just paying for a new saddle and helmet, and could have lived with the scuffed brand new XT SPD's, paint scratches etc. I said I'd contact her when I knew how I was. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later (general Xmas festivities got in the way) that I noticed a problem, and it got worse. I couldn't get NHS physio, and can't now - I had a little post op NHS physio, but all they wanted to know was my shoulder didn't lock up and I did my exercises.

    So don't get too upset when folk respond about waiting/ask a solicitor, because you know damn well, as soon as they know the cost of a bike, then their story changes.
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    That's what car insurance is for - to pay for mistakes/accidents. I will never let people off they run into me. I don't know what damage has been caused to my kit/bike/me. Often the damage is only apparent days/weeks later. My partner got knocked off and found the frame was bent out of line weeks later. She required a few sessions of physio at £35 a time. So not claiming could see you out of pocket
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Like mrushton, the cost to the NHS for my operation must be a fair amount, never mind the 15 plus visits to and from the place for referrals/GP time etc. The NHS need a huge re-charge to this drivers idiocy.

    Don't forget, we aren't professionals, we don't have a sponsor that will pay up for medical treatment. I was riding home for work - I chose to ride to work to keep fit and to enjoy my bike at weekends (nothing worse than riding in the hills when unfit). The NHS will not pick up the tab if you can't ride your bike - you can still drive to work, or do other everyday tasks. You are generally OK, fit and healthy.

    This is fine, but when it's not your own fault, and just doing a daily activity, why the hell should the NHS pick up costs like this, or you ? - the third party's person's insurance should.

    I've been told there is nothing more surgically that they would do (at present... i.e. keep exercising or you will get a frozen shoulder). I am still riding my bike, although I have a lifetime of pain management with drugs that are a bit iffy to say the least (as someone who doesn't take anything more than paracetamol if hungover - I've had some strong stuff after this accident)

    I am now on a low dose of a medicine, that is actually intended for other conditions, but in low doses (side effect) helps nerve pain - that and it knocks me out at night - at least I sleep now (2 years of crap sleep is hard work).

    AND my accident wasn't that bad, I got away lightly.

    Sorry to rattle on, that's why some of us say, WAIT. No-one on here says 'screw them', just get what's due for repairs and costs.

    Getting injured is no fun.
  • Lads, please don't tar all driving instructors with the same brush, I always taught my pupils to look out and give plenty of room for motor cycles and our type of bike. These types of generalisations never really help.

    to the OP i hope everything works out well for you, claim what is rightfully yours if the driver wasn't stupid you wouldn't be in this position.
  • fossyant wrote:
    I love how all of you guys are saying you can get money, contact a solicitor. Got to love the way cultures are moving now huh!

    Now I've read your post, next time someone runs me over due to their error, smashes my bike to bits and fucks up my shoulder resulting in me having to turn down job offers, and waste a summer sat on my ars* watching Jeremy Kyle, I'll just let him off.

    You are definitely right. I feel ashamed because of my selfish actions :roll:

    LOL, you've misinterpreted what i've said. Get money for the damages, yes. But don't wring people dry just because you feel it is ok. Too many people think in terms of "I can get alot of money from this accident". Saddens me to hear that.

    Some folk are like that, but I wouldn't wish what stress I've had over the last two and a half years, and the expense - all I want is to be put right - that will never happen. Sometimes injury isn't obvious - hence advising the OP not to rush into a settlement on the bike.

    I was all for the lass just paying for a new saddle and helmet, and could have lived with the scuffed brand new XT SPD's, paint scratches etc. I said I'd contact her when I knew how I was. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later (general Xmas festivities got in the way) that I noticed a problem, and it got worse. I couldn't get NHS physio, and can't now - I had a little post op NHS physio, but all they wanted to know was my shoulder didn't lock up and I did my exercises.

    So don't get too upset when folk respond about waiting/ask a solicitor, because you know damn well, as soon as they know the cost of a bike, then their story changes.

    This is the internet, I don't get worked up or upset, I just post and have a laugh.

    I know what you mean about the problems coming later, but I still hate the "i've had an accident, contact a solicitor response. If you have decent insurance on yourself, or the person in the cars insurance details, then call the insurance companies and file a claim. Just because someone bonkered you with a car, or with anything, does not need to always be brought to court. Take them to court if it has been a year, and you have received nothing from either them or the insurance company. That's my only point, things can be settled out of court without this "entitlement" to money so many people have and contact solicitors for.
  • fossyant wrote:
    I love how all of you guys are saying you can get money, contact a solicitor. Got to love the way cultures are moving now huh!

    Now I've read your post, next time someone runs me over due to their error, smashes my bike to bits and fucks up my shoulder resulting in me having to turn down job offers, and waste a summer sat on my ars* watching Jeremy Kyle, I'll just let him off.

    You are definitely right. I feel ashamed because of my selfish actions :roll:

    LOL, you've misinterpreted what i've said. Get money for the damages, yes. But don't wring people dry just because you feel it is ok. Too many people think in terms of "I can get alot of money from this accident". Saddens me to hear that.

    Some folk are like that, but I wouldn't wish what stress I've had over the last two and a half years, and the expense - all I want is to be put right - that will never happen. Sometimes injury isn't obvious - hence advising the OP not to rush into a settlement on the bike.

    I was all for the lass just paying for a new saddle and helmet, and could have lived with the scuffed brand new XT SPD's, paint scratches etc. I said I'd contact her when I knew how I was. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later (general Xmas festivities got in the way) that I noticed a problem, and it got worse. I couldn't get NHS physio, and can't now - I had a little post op NHS physio, but all they wanted to know was my shoulder didn't lock up and I did my exercises.

    So don't get too upset when folk respond about waiting/ask a solicitor, because you know damn well, as soon as they know the cost of a bike, then their story changes.

    This is the internet, I don't get worked up or upset, I just post and have a laugh.

    I know what you mean about the problems coming later, but I still hate the "i've had an accident, contact a solicitor response. If you have decent insurance on yourself, or the person in the cars insurance details, then call the insurance companies and file a claim. Just because someone bonkered you with a car, or with anything, does not need to always be brought to court. Take them to court if it has been a year, and you have received nothing from either them or the insurance company. That's my only point, things can be settled out of court without this "entitlement" to money so many people have and contact solicitors for.

    Why should my insurance premiums go up because of someone else's carelessness?

    You know that question 'have you claimed on any insurance policy in the last 5 years?' on your application form? There's a reason you want the answer to be 'no' .
  • yenrod
    yenrod Posts: 135
    Lycraholic wrote:
    Guess who's got a smashed £1k bike and a b!"£$red up knee because some dozy sod thinks to take a junction without checking for traffic coming in the opposite direction?

    20mph + 20mph = messy. Gaaaaah.

    Obviously he got out the car asked if you where ok, waited with you till the ambulance came + told you he'd pay everything & admitted his mistake entirely ! ;)
    [;)] 'tuono nel mio cuore...[:)]
  • Sirius631
    Sirius631 Posts: 991
    Lads, please don't tar all driving instructors with the same brush, I always taught my pupils to look out and give plenty of room for motor cycles and our type of bike. These types of generalisations never really help.

    to the OP i hope everything works out well for you, claim what is rightfully yours if the driver wasn't stupid you wouldn't be in this position.

    I didn't say all driving instructors need extra tuition, but how do you give it to those that need it without having everyone, even if they are knowledgeable about cycling, do the same training? It wouldn't work to have a tick box on application forms saying "Tick here if you are an ingnorant sod who doesn't know how to pass a bicycle despite passing your driving test".
    To err is human, but to make a real balls up takes a super computer.
  • amun1000
    amun1000 Posts: 242
    I just wish motorists would display the same/small percentage of courtesy to cyclists that they do for horse riders
    When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. H.G. Wells
  • lycraholic
    lycraholic Posts: 127
    Just a little update.

    The insurance company's attitude to customer service seems to be "don't reply to emails, don't phone people back, and most certainly don't send any post by anything other than second class". It also doesn't help that my designated 'claims adviser' is only in the office two days a week (I'm working seven days a week at the moment grumble grumble).

    They said that I should hear from them either last week (fat chance) or the start of this next week coming up (i.e. Tuesday at the earliest). In an ideal world they'll send me a fat cheque for a new bike plus comp, or they could query everything and ask for every document in triplicate which would delay everything for months. It's just a waiting game really.
  • lycraholic
    lycraholic Posts: 127
    A happy ending! The insurers are settling in full and it sound like I'm also going get a meaty settlement for injuries/inconvenience.

    (The fact that I'm going to put the money towards a Cervelo is, of course, insignificant... ) :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Lycraholic wrote:
    A happy ending! The insurers are settling in full and it sound like I'm also going get a meaty settlement for injuries/inconvenience.

    (The fact that I'm going to put the money towards a Cervelo is, of course, insignificant... ) :D

    Good for you, and it'll pi55 off our American in Europe, MountainMonster.

    Happy day.