Olympic road race warmup this weekend



  • i watched the first pass in richmond park, at the small sawyer hill ... crowd rather sparse, but great views as the cyclists were going exhibition-show like slow, chatting away. highlight was the women's rabobank team (who nipped by me on putney bridge -- i thought they were a sunday cycling group!) who tried to recce the course, but appears to have been turned back. and then crossed paths on the return -- this time some sunday cyclists really did get on the road in between the support cars and back riders.
  • Airmiles
    Airmiles Posts: 101
    I'd originally intended to go to Headley common (with a non-cycling friend) but got put off by the roads/train malarkey - I was frankly gobsmacked to saunter right up to the barrier next to the 1km kite - fantastic view of Cav going past 4th wheel - and right next to the De Ver cycles crew.

    there was a great comedy cameo shortly after - waiting at the Piccadilly/Albemarle St corner, a British Average Student comes grinding past, utterly oblivious to the entire Croatian team stalking him! :lol:

    I thought Cav was grinding it out a bit to only just head a couple of, shall we say, not household names. I predict Gold will be won by someone who doesn't do the last week of TdF.....
    I'm not saying pedestrians in Hackney are stupid.. but a fixed bayonet would be more use than a fixed gear...
  • I live in Puntney so I was lucky enough to see them twice. Firstly down at Putney High Street/ Upper Richmond Road Corner. And then went to Richmond Park for 11.30 to get a spot to watch them come past on the way back at 12ish where I had a great view.

    The stewarding at Richmond park was ok but I can see how people would be diappointed or frustrated at Box Hill.
  • SLX01 wrote:
    Oh so everyone that works for 'london prepares' is a volunter then, next you will be telling me Seb Coe is doing this for nothing to??

    Well, just about everybody in a white t-shirt at least. Some people are paid, but you almost certainly wouldn't see them as they would be behind the scenes. LOCOG employs something like 12 core staff to organise the all the cycling events, including MTB and BMX and Paralympics. That's a full-time job since 2005 and I guess they've got mortgages to pay too!

    Obviously there are paid contractors, such as the security stewarding firms, any buses that need commandeering, etc, and I'd imagine the PA guys at the mountain biking were also being paid (and some other paid short-term roles), but the (literally) thousands of other guys you see are simply doing it for the heck of it - the field-of-play marshalls with their whistles and flags, the medical guys, doping, logistics and transport, working in the media centres dishing out results, equipment personnel making sure the teams have enough sets of rollers or turbo trainers, etc. Almost none are getting any kind of reimbursement.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    SLX - you are doing a pretty good impersonation of a troll?

    Care to share with us your experiences of organising or volunteering at a cycle event, or are you one of those that just turns up, expects it all to be there for them and bitches, whinges and moans when it doesn't?
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    ant41 wrote:
    I would like to echo SLX01's point about avoiding headily common road. Awful experience, especially the tea and bacon sarnie from the van! That no doubt contributed to the crowds meaning you couldn't see a thing, not even a great view of cav on the outside of the peloton as they swept down tot hill. Stay away next year.

    I am sure my point will be echoed by the chap who got his Audi towed by the police for having the temerity to park within 100m of the route/spectators. In his defence I got the impression that he had been told by the stewards that it was ok. Still, at least the arrival of the low loader and the Austin powers like 3 point turn provided us with some entertainment while we waited.

    On the stewards, quite instructive to hear them being admonished over the airwaves that if they kept on mucking about with the radios, no-one would get paid . . . . .

    Hang on im confused: you didnt put a 'knowing wink smiley'....