Using Garmin Edge 800 indoors

pompeypoppy Posts: 182
edited March 2014 in Road beginners
Hi just got the Garmin Edge 800 and want to monitor my ride whilst on the turbo trainer for HR and Cadence etc.

I have turned off the GPS to train indoors, but don't know the best way of seeing the data on the screen... when I press the start/stop button and the session has started is the only way of viewing my workout data as it's happening done by going through the menus: settings/ bike settings/ training pages/ timer pages? Surely there's an easier way?


  • As far as i know, you can set up the main screen to show exactly the details you want. Unless you are wanting to see say graphical data up to that point? In that case i have no idea
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Am I correct in assuming you want to have the following data displayed;
    HR, CAD, Distance, Time?

    Set up screen 3 in training pages for the above data fields and enable it. The cadence sensor will act as a normal wireless sensor for speed off the back wheel as there is no GPS signal. When getting ready to go out on the road, disable the new sceen and turn on the GPS.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    sorry to dig up an old thread

    But my garmin 800 has gps off, and wheel size set correct, but I just have blank speed and distance?!

    Cadence shows, though!

    HELP! (please)
  • rjh299
    rjh299 Posts: 721
    Is the magnet close enough to the sensor? Probably an obvious answer you've already checked but can't think what else it could be. If it's picking up cadence then I don't think it would be a profile selection problem. Check to see if the light flashes on the sensor when the wheel magnet passes it.
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    tis a new mangnet and wheel - the thought did cross my mind after i posted....

    off to look!
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    Unless you ve got a super aero frame with chainstays close to the wheel, the set up of the sensor is quite important, try rotating it around the chain stay in little bits and checking if the red/green lights light up- then tighten the zip ties good and tight...

    I don't think it matters if you turn GPS on or off when youre an the turbo then or not - and anyway the speed/distance is irrelevant anyway
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver wrote:
    I don't think it matters if you turn GPS on or off when youre an the turbo then or not - and anyway the speed/distance is irrelevant anyway
    Depends where you're using it.

    If I use my turbo in the garage, then the Garmin occasionally gets a weak signal, which creates an entirely random GPS track and messes up the data. Speed and distance are irrelevant compared to the outside world, but speed is useful for some of us to have, even indoors, as it can be used as a proxy for power and is a useful metric for training.

    In response to the question, however, it's probably just the sensor is too far away from the magnet - happens to me all the time if I catch it on something. Move it a bit closer.
    Twitter: @FunkyMrMagic
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    Yeah, but if you re not moving, do you care what the Track looks like? Maybe you analyse your data more than me (which would nt be hard!)

    I suppose I should to try and work out what setting on the TT (in what Gear) approximates to "flat, normal road"
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Just wondering if you ever managed to get this sorted out? I'm having the same problem on my turbo despite GSC 10 and spoke magnets aligned etc etc.
  • Change the battery in the GSC10
  • spekky
    spekky Posts: 16
    Have you got a second GSC10 on your turbo? If so, you need to set up a second bike on the garmin.
  • I got zero data on a recent turbo session. It turned out to be due to my not having pressed the "start" button, turning the timer on. Normally, with GPS on, the unit automatically turns the timer on when it detects motion; with GPS off, you have to remember to do it yourself.
    They use their cars as shopping baskets; they use their cars as overcoats.
  • it (GSC10) works fine when I'm out on the road so it's not the battery that's the problem, I'm not sure why i'd need a 2nd GSC10 on the turbo. i use the same one on the chainstay. i have set up the 2nd bike on the Garmin but still now joy. ah well, not the end of the world i suppose. i am pressing start btw.
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    it (GSC10) works fine when I'm out on the road so it's not the battery that's the problem, I'm not sure why i'd need a 2nd GSC10 on the turbo. i use the same one on the chainstay. i have set up the 2nd bike on the Garmin but still now joy. ah well, not the end of the world i suppose. i am pressing start btw.
    If it all works on the road then it should still work on the turbo with no change in any settings. Switching off GPS is optional. It just prevents a rubbish map on Connect etc.
  • I find if I don't switch the GPS off every so often the speed drops to zero - I assumed that the device intermittently uses GPS data as well as cadence sensor data. I spent quite a while fiddling with the magnet position until I realised switching off GPS fixed the problem.

    I find the tracing of me cycling randomly round the garage that I get with GPS on quite funny but maybe I'm just sad!
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    marylogic wrote:
    I find if I don't switch the GPS off every so often the speed drops to zero - I assumed that the device intermittently uses GPS data as well as cadence sensor data. I spent quite a while fiddling with the magnet position until I realised switching off GPS fixed the problem.

    I find the tracing of me cycling randomly round the garage that I get with GPS on quite funny but maybe I'm just sad!
    If that is happening then you are losing the GSC10 signal for some reason. GSC10 takes priority over GPS and GPS speed will only cut in if the sensor signal is lost for a short while.
  • I had assumed that would be the case but the green and red LEDs on the sensor trigger fine and switching off the GPS has fixed things so I can't really explain it.
  • I finally got my speed sorted out on the indoor trainer. Turns out it was the arm that was not picking up the magnet on the spoke (a flashing green light after pressing the button on the sensor indicates it is working and I have tested it successfully). New GSC10 sensor has sorted me out.
  • FatTed
    FatTed Posts: 1,205
    Turn Auto Pause off as well
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    get out with it....