Cwmcarn / Freeride question.

cmd205 Posts: 107
edited September 2011 in Routes
Thinking of popping down to Cwncarn to do the Twrch trail. From what I can see there is a freeride area which is part of the Twrch trail (the freeride is graded black??). Is this a different trail to the black graded downhill? if so, whereabouts is it on the Twrch trail as I can't see any reference to the freeride area on the trail map from the mbwales website.

Thanks for any info.


  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    It's shut for maintenance at the moment anyway.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • cmd205
    cmd205 Posts: 107
    What's shut? The whole trail or just the freeride area? Also any idea how long it's gonna be closed for?

  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Freeride is being completely rebuilt, almost mostly new :)

    In your question no its not the same as the black DH its just like a little Jump section now, the Black DH is summat all together different :)

    As for dates when the Freeride bit will be open.. the answer soon comes to mind with the possability of not so soon thrown in :)
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    just to clarify:

    red (twrch) trail is open apart from the freeride area - there's a diversion in place, a dull bit of fireroad but very fast :lol:

    no, the black freeride is not the same as the black DH track. The black DH track starts up the road from the small concrete ramp you hit on the red trail.

    still worth going though, you're not missing a great deal by not doing the freeride area. :D
  • "freeride area"
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    "freeride area"


    did you miss some other words off ben? :lol:
  • Fallout
    Fallout Posts: 25
    I went down last week the new track is finished but thay still havent opened it yet for some reson
    Riding since 2010
  • cmd205
    cmd205 Posts: 107
    Now that sounds promising, I'm not going till mid september.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I hear the corkscrew has gone?
  • Dave_P1
    Dave_P1 Posts: 565
    I was going to head to Cwmcarn this week but I'm holding out until everything re-opens. Does anyone know what sort of changes have been made, more jumps perhaps??
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    deadkenny wrote:
    I hear the corkscrew has gone?

    yep :(

    "i was going to head to Cwmcarn this week but I'm holding out until everything re-opens. Does anyone know what sort of changes have been made, more jumps perhaps??"

    it's only the freeride bit that's closed, you're not missing all that much. apparently there's a few more berms and a few more jumps :?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Probably all in aid of making it safer. After all I nearly threw myself into the pit of the corkscrew first time there not realising it was there :D, so obviously unsafe, get rid of it :(
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    deadkenny wrote:
    Probably all in aid of making it safer. After all I nearly threw myself into the pit of the corkscrew first time there not realising it was there :D, so obviously unsafe, get rid of it :(

    so it's all your fault they've taken it away :roll: :wink::lol:
  • Dave_P1
    Dave_P1 Posts: 565
    Thanks for the heads up welshkev.

    It's a shame they've taken away the corkscrew as that was good fun.
  • cmd205
    cmd205 Posts: 107
    Any more news relating to opening dates??
  • Eyon
    Eyon Posts: 623
    Its open i was there on Saturday. Its fast, really fast now, and bermy, and jumpy, its brilliant.

    Dont get confused its not really "black" its easy to ride, nothing technical. Hardly like the DH route which was insane hard at points for my minimal skill level
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Bout to say ridden it, its crap.

    The new berms are not flowy at all but stacked up high right on top of each other and the first two are jsut two small and sharp to carry significant speed through.

    The jumps are exactly the same as before, and the start is crap now, just cruising down a smooth bank.

    The freeride sign needs to be taken away its that simple now.
  • Mojo_666
    Mojo_666 Posts: 860
    The section just after then free-ride has been smoothed out as well now , the root steps by the tree have been filled and covered with flat slab stones, hardly a bump to be seen now. You just roll down the stones before going into the woods..this would have been done in the last few days.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Yarp saw that too annoying out what
  • It's a real shame what's happened to that area. When they first built it you had three big drop offs, a wall-ride, the corkscrew... what's going on? Seems like its getting tamer every year. Oh well at least the DH track is still gnarly as hell - The ultimate guide to mountain biking in Wales
  • :) yarp it's a sad state of affairs,

    it's a reflection on the emergecny services as they complain about then umber of accidents, not realising they have it good there where they have relatively easy access to collect riders, now riders will be on natural areas seeking there thrills with no easy access :s

    And the ability for people to attempt tosue the council if they have a serious accident.