Endurance cycling

Swarhouse Posts: 17
On the 23rd August I am cycling from Lancaster to London. I have set myself a maximum limit of 24 hours to complete this. I was wondering if anyone has completed this kind of challenge? Advice would be greatly appreciated, I have tried to think of everything, but I am sure I will have missed the bleeding obvious!

Thanks in advance


  • By my reckoning this is something a little over 400km and 24 hours should be possible.

    Rather like a 400km audax, this sort of distance in such a time will afford you little sleep over time. I would suggest a space blanket just in case you need to crash out in a bus shelter etc. Plot your route to include good cafe stops. Your biggest enemy will be psychology and tiredness. Proplus may help on the latter.

    DO NOT THINK about the ride as a 400km journey. When riding, set a series of obectives and targets, for example, a cafe stop at x km or time targets for certain stages.

    Like a 400km audax, I would suggest that you train by riding a number of long distance routes in advance such as several 200km and 300km rides.

    During day time and peak hours, try to avoid busy main roads as these can eat away at the morale. As soon as you get to the small hours then hit the main roads to gain huge margins on time.

    Have you thought about doing this as a DIY audax to gain some form or accreditation?
  • Thankyou for you advice

    'Have you thought about doing this as a DIY audax to gain some form or accreditation?'

    How would I do this? I would imagine it's a little short notice!
  • Assuming that you are based in Lancashire, the DIY contact for that region should be able to help in terms of deadlines. Contact Julian Dyson

    Julian.dyson2 AT baesystems.com

    I am not too sure about whether you need to be an AUK member or not, to ride a DIY.