Olympic Cycling Test Event this Sunday

bdave262000 Posts: 270
edited August 2011 in Commuting chat
I've heard that Richmond Park will be closed to cars from Saturday for the cycle event on Sunday. Does anyone know if this applies to cyclists as I thought it would be nice to do a few laps then watch the race pass through.
Fat lads take longer to stop.


  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    There are road closures all along the route, applying to both cars and bikes. More details on timings and arrangements here: http://www.gosurrey.info/cycling/
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    http://www.royalparks.org.uk/London2012 ... hypark.cfm

    On the day of the race there will be some restrictions in place for the safety of park users and for the cyclists - they are as follows:

    Richmond Park and Bushy Park will be closed to vehicles all day on 14 August 2011
    All dogs will be required to be kept on leads across the both parks
    Please guard against fire and litter and please note that BBQ's are not permitted
    Cycling will not be possible on the event route from 8pm on Saturday 13 August until 9pm on Sunday 14 August
    In Richmond Park, cycling will be possible on the Tamsin trail, National cycle route 4 and from Roehampton car park to Kingston car park
    Crossing the race route will only be possible at specified crossing places and at limited times
    Cyclists will have to walk in some areas
    Expect congestion at pedestrian gates, on the race route and at key viewing places - please be patient
    Tree climbing is not permitted
    Please respect the crowd barriers, notices and instructions from event stewards
    Horse riding will not be possible

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • SimonAH
    SimonAH Posts: 3,730
    No treeclimbing? Guard against fires? The beastly beasts.
    FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
    CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
    Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Veeeeery late notice, but I have tickets spare for box hill / the mall. PM me if you can be bothered to collect from Beckenham tomorrow morning (I won't hold my breath!)
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    Well that was fun. Only downside is that Mrs A pointed the camera at the whole thing without actually pressing record.....
    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • chadders81
    chadders81 Posts: 744
    Enjoyed cycling on the closed roads back through Putney. All the jobsworths in their high viz jackets kept shouting to get off the road but I totally ignored them and sped off.

    Seriously, what is it about that colour of jacket that turns the wearer in to such a bellend?

    Anybody know if there's a liveblog covering the race?
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    It's possibly because they are being asked to keep the roads clear that they asked you to keep off the road?
    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • Dalton
    Dalton Posts: 265
    CAV wins!!
  • chadders81
    chadders81 Posts: 744
    Asprilla wrote:
    It's possibly because they are being asked to keep the roads clear that they asked you to keep off the road?

    Suppose you're right. It will look a shambles next year if they can't keep people off the roads. No harm being done though. Far too tempting to keep off entirely empty roads.
  • Went down past Hampton Court Bridge along the tow path to Kingston bridge not terribly big crowds. quite a few Mamils, but loads of families etc.

    lovely car free roads on way back partically once past hampton court when the road was open but of no use by car.

    i passed loads of bikes on way home, mostly just families. lovely without cars!
  • No great photo but at least I managed to catch the lead group heading back near Marble Arch (Duke of Wellington Place). Just under a mile to go.

  • mtb-idle
    mtb-idle Posts: 2,179
    it was a good morning out and i enjoyed it.

    Rode from my house to Headley Heath (it's not far, circa 10 miles). I didn't have a wristband for access to Box Hill so I figured that Headley Heath Road is on the circuit back to the bottom of Box Hill so i would get to see them twice which I did.

    I picked a corner so that there was a 'trail feature' rather than just a straight road.

    The event looked good from my limited perspective; looking forward to watching it on the television. (Although it obviously wasn't a patch on my week in the Alps following the Tour last month).

    Here's my best pic of part of the peloton as they passed.

    FCN = 4
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    I'm not being funny, but in BR thread postings theme, the Box Hill stuff is shite.

    IIt's gonna be crap next year.... will look just like the 2008 Olympics. No-one watching ?

    I'm not a local, but the restriction on Box Hill is stupid - yes I know its in an area of protection, but why use it... FFS.

    It must really hiss you locals off.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    No way I'm heading to Box Hill. I'm staying in Richmond Park. There should be very good crowds in the City's streets if the TdF in 2007 is anything to go by.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    Had fun today in richmond park.

    Stood by the rounabout up from Sheen Gate and watch them come down the hill. As we are waiting a man in his 40s tries to cycle along the grass on the other side of the road from me and gets told to stop by a steward nothing really in it but he then complains asking if the instruction to not cycle on the grass was in the stewards list of instruction and being arsey for no reason. An older lady spectator next to me tells him to behavour himself and promptly gets some abuse from him and he then states there are no signs saying he can't cycle on the grass. At this point I step in to tell him it's actually a bye law of the park and posted on all the gates "no cycling except on designated paths" and has nothing to do with the cycle race. At which point he ask me if I want to come over there and tell him that. I really really wish I had told him to grow up and stop acting like 14 year old! But I just left him to it. At least he got off and pushed!

    The race itself was over very quick but I expected that so it was then off to Plough just outside Sheen gate for a very nice sunday roast and a pint. Nice pub that one, good beer nice garden, cycle friendly as well when we turned up pushing bike into the garden we were met by manager, instant thought was he was about to say that we could bring the bike in, instead it was "are you looking for parking space" "yes and a table for two for lunch", at which point a get given three alternative places I can place the bike next to suitable tables. I'm going back there again, food was excellent too! By the time we got sat down cav had already won! Not sure what the time from Roehampton Gate to the mall was but I wouldn't like to engage in SCR with that lot. Still I don't shave my legs so they can't scalp me!

    After lunch headed back to Sheen gate where we were told we could not bring bikes in by a bloke in yellow jacket. WTF! I've had a pint so I feel like arguing! "The sign next to you, right there" (points) "says I can cycle on National Cycle Route 4, it comes through this gate so what are you on about?", "I've been told to shut the gate and not let anyone come through" he replies. This was shortly followed by me asking "By Whom? Can you get your supervisor to come down and explain this too me please?" By this point the Mrs had gone through the kissing gate next to the one being blocked without being challenged, but despite the easy way out I'm having none of it so stand there while the bloke gets on his radio to ask his supervisor what to do. I then spot a police car coming down the road and start to turn round. I wave frantically and they get the message and come over. For a short while there was me, two policemen, and half a dozen other cyclists all telling this bloke he had got it wrong. Apparantly according to the police office, at the end of the race the stewards were told to pack up, so promptly opend all the gates and let traffic the in! They were then told to shut them all again, so it looked like this bloke got the wrong message and the police suggested he check with his supervisor again. At which point I thought this is getting sloved so went through kissing gate and caught up with the wife. Very nice ride through the park after that although a visit from the puncture fairy on the way home spoilt the day a little.

    I then had to rescue a crow that was stuck in our chimney. But that's another story.

    Time for a glass of Beer or Red Wine maybe now!

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • discurio
    discurio Posts: 118
    completly forgot this was on yesterday, driving home from a mates place with a raging hangover. the journey that should of taken an hour took us closer to 4 hours.
    there was so much agro from drivers stuck in traffic (and being directed down a dead end road at one point by a dumbass marshall was pretty stupid)
    even the missus commented on how this type of thing doesnt help with motorists already taking a dislike to cycling.
    i managed to stay quite calm cos its a cycling event and i had wanted to go watch right up until the sat nav packed up, :lol:
    live and learn i guess. should put a reminder in the phone for stuff like this. looks like it woulda been an enjoyable day out though. bit bummed i missed it.
    I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information
  • hells
    hells Posts: 175
    Chadders81 wrote:
    Enjoyed cycling on the closed roads back through Putney. All the jobsworths in their high viz jackets kept shouting to get off the road but I totally ignored them and sped off.

    Seriously, what is it about that colour of jacket that turns the wearer in to such a bellend?

    Anybody know if there's a liveblog covering the race?

    Dont know if you mean you cycled on the closed roads before, during or after the event, I guess you mean afterwards which is fair enough but a pedestrian decided to ignore marshalls at the london triathalon and was promptly hit by one of the elite competitors doing atleast 25mph maybe more on the bike leg. The pedestrian was then taken to hospital by ambulance for a head injury and the competitor bandaged and completed the race, he went to hospital after. They also had several motorists attempting to move cones to get onto the closed roads and drive on the bike route during the event one of which ended up assualting a marshall but thank god the marshalls were able to stop them as that could have caused severe problems including injury for those racing.
    Scott Addict R2 2010
    Trek 1.7 compact 2009
    Tank race elite 2007
    Marin Alpine trail 2007
    Specalized Langster 2010
    Kona Jake the Snake
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    hells wrote:
    They also had several motorists attempting to move cones to get onto the closed roads and drive on the bike route during the event

    This is crazy, and certainly puts Eamon Holmes' comments in context. If people in the public eye are irrationally critical of something like this, then it vindicates motorists who behave like that.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,381
    Sounds like it would have been a good day out if I hadn't been stuck inside painting and fixing two leaking radiators. :(

    Shame about the halfwits moaning about the traffic.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • Rich158
    Rich158 Posts: 2,348
    notsoblue wrote:
    hells wrote:
    They also had several motorists attempting to move cones to get onto the closed roads and drive on the bike route during the event

    This is crazy, and certainly puts Eamon Holmes' comments in context. If people in the public eye are irrationally critical of something like this, then it vindicates motorists who behave like that.

    This sort of behaviour isn't unusual unfortunately. I marshall at various road races through the course of the summer that my club promote, all amateur stuff, and am constantly amazed at what complete bell ends some drivers are. I've had people try to drive past me whilst I'm stood in the middle of the orad in Hi-Viz jacket holding out a red flag for all of 2 mins whilst the race negotiates the junction. They soon get the message when 60 plus cyclists doing 25mph plus hit the junction and show no signs of stopping. On the plus side the vast majority of motorists are very understanding and quite frequently express their admiration for amateurs hitting such speeds.
    pain is temporary, the glory of beating your mates to the top of the hill lasts forever.....................

    Revised FCN - 2
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    edited August 2011
  • asprilla
    asprilla Posts: 8,440
    notsoblue wrote:

    Ok, which one of you was this, own up...

    What a tit.
    Mud - Genesis Vapour CCX
    Race - Fuji Norcom Straight
    Sun - Cervelo R3
    Winter / Commute - Dolan ADX
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Asprilla wrote:
    notsoblue wrote:

    Ok, which one of you was this, own up...

    What a fattit.

    If your going to do that at least try and blend in. He looks like Mr Blooby at an anorexia convention.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,381
    Love the expressions of utter disdain on the riders' faces. If looks could cause punctures...
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Assos - Sponsor Yourself