100 Women Riding Manchester 100 .. Join Us!

heatonrider Posts: 109
The aim is to get 100 women cycling the Manchester 100 cycle sportive event on 4th September 2011 and sharing that 100/100 glow. As of 1st August we have 98 women signed up!. We believe it will be the first time 100+ women have gathered together with their bikes in South Manchester. I would like this to be an inspirational moment for women and girls with aspirations of being a bigger cyclist! If anyone is doing the event and wants to join in (no extra cost than your entry to the event) and make contact with other women cyclists in the North West, have a look at http://www.100-100glow.blogspot.com. If you are on Facebook, search for 100 / 100 Glow.


  • brilliant idea. best of luck with it. do you accept men in drag. :)
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • nope .. 'fraid not .. this is about getting more of us women on the roads .. learning how to ride as group etc.