Anyone entered Pedal For Scotland??

Twisterboy Posts: 311
edited August 2011 in Commuting general
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has entered for pedal for scotland, I've just signed up to do the 51 mile from Glasgow to Edinburgh on the 11th September.

Anyone from Scotland signed up?



  • bsc8180
    bsc8180 Posts: 17
    Apparently I have been volunteered to do the 51m ride along with some work colleagues. We'll be signing up in the next couple of days.
  • Twisterboy
    Twisterboy Posts: 311

    Think I'm going to have chase pedal for scotland later today as I don't think my registrationn was sucessful somehow, they took thr cash but don't have a confirmation e-mail. :cry:

  • 16 of us from my office are entering. Some commute every day, others haven't cycled for years.