
I'm staying just outside Luchon for 3 days at August BH. Will also have a hire car to be able to go a bit further afield. Which rides and cols would you recommend I ride? I'm used to doing 100 miles plus 10K+ feet climbing in single day rides and have experience of multi day riding for those types of conditions having done the Raid Pyreneen previously.
“I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle.”


  • Gooner69
    Gooner69 Posts: 97
    Hiya, i have been to Luchon the last 3 years and its ace!

    You are spoilt for choice and need to plan carefully your rides but as an absolute must Tourmalet and Superbangeres have to be ridden. A good loop from Luchon is along the valley, up the Col De Mente, down to the junction then a quick nip up (to the right) to Casartelli`s Memorial on the Porte D`Aspet. Then double back along and pop over the Col Des Ares before heading back to BDL. This will take a time but is a personal favourite of mine.

    Also the Col De Portillon is a good leg stretcher with great views to SUperbangeres, and the Aspin has to be one of the best views on any climb.

    Could go on but pm me for more info and i have some garmin stats available if you think they might help.
  • Further to the last post if you like the longer distances a perfect loop (using Luchon as start and end - but change depending on where you start from) is:

    1. Port du Bales
    2. Col de Ares (via Chaum)
    3. Col de Buret (not really an additional climb as it is on the way to - )
    4. Col de Mente (descend to St Beat turn left into Spain after FOS - ride on to BOSSOST)
    5. Col du Portillon

    These are all tried and tested Tour de France climbs, generally very good road surfaces (on the descent from the Bales you need to take care). Tough but enjoyable!!

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