The Great Shakespeare Ride 2011 100 Mile

psittacosis Posts: 97
The fastest recorded time in this event works out at an average speed of over 25mph :lol: They should go pro.
I wonder what the first genuine 100 mile rider time was. It looks like people registered for the 100 mile event did 100k.


  • Notwithstanding the above comment, after the fiasco with the organisation at the Dragoride and Cheshire Cat spotives that I entered this year, I have to say that in my opinion, Sunday’s Shakespearride was one of the best UK Sportives I’ve done (which is about 25 - so I'm not claiming to be an expert of every sportive or audax in the UK, and there are bound to be others just as well organised). The weather was kind if a little breezy and the course (169kms and 2000+m of ascent) was long/challenging enough to be worth getting out of bed for, scenic and some good flattish sections to keep the speed up.

    The start/finish location was excellent (a posh-ish hotel outside of Stratford), with a free BBQ at the finish. The marshalls and staff could not have been more friendly, signs were good and with loads of marshalls out on the course, you couldn’t really go wrong. Allied to excellent well-stocked foodstops at Scout halls and the fact that the majority of the money went to Stratford Hospice and the event was therefore not-for-profit, it made for a really excellent event. The mass, rolling start behind the control vehicle with smiling policemen actually happy to assist with the success of the ride and not hinder, meant that the 850 riders were off within 2-3 minutes with no delays….really good, it’s what sportives should be. Dragonride take note.

    No doubt there are dissenters and others who will complain (nothing can please everyone), but the organisers should be contratulated, and the fact that they are just keen amateur organisers, rather than doing that for a living, doubly so.

    ...Are we allowed to post a happy post?
  • I am not criticising the organisers I agree its a great event, I did it last year too. I am suggesting politely that some times look suspect and anyone who changed events should notify the timekeeper.
  • Agree with you too, some who signed up for the 100miler must have switched to the 100kms at the junction...there was a dirty black cloud around at the time, which might have had something to do with it.
  • twotyred
    twotyred Posts: 822
    I did the 100 miler too. Good event, fast registration, well signed, well marshalled and a testing course. My only gripes were there were no hot drinks at the Winchcombe feed stop and they could have put a timing mat down at the 100 mile/100km split to avoid people entered for the 100 mile but changing their minds and doing the 100 km having their times down against the 100 mile event.
    To be fair to the organisers they point this out on the website and say they're working to correct this. I reckon the first genuine 100 mile time is 5:40 as there's a half hour gap between 5:40 which is doable and the next fastest time which is about 5:10 and seems unlikely. The guy who "won" the 100 mile event also appears in the results for the 100km event but this time with only a bronze medal!
    I also notice that the results have now been taken down so I guess they are revising them now.
  • SDK2007
    SDK2007 Posts: 782
    I agree with WorcsPhil - it was a fab event.
    I also did the 100 mile distance; the climbs were tough but after feeling the pain on the way up the descents were awesome.

    Loving the BBQ at the finish, did I need it !!

    Thanks :)