
freehub Posts: 4,257
edited August 2011 in The bottom bracket

Which bonk came first?
I am feeling a bit light-headed, if I don't have a banana, I think I'm going to bonk.
I've got the bonk.
I bonked really badly and had to get a lift home.

So he's going to **** because he does not have a banana.

The person has ****** badly and needs to get a lift home.


  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 20,928
    The Oxford English Dictionary makes no reference to the cycling bonk, but there is a 1975 reference in the football magazine 'Foul' to the verb defined thus: trans. and intr. To have sexual intercourse (with). slang.

    So unless someone can up with an earlier version of the cycling sense, the 1975 reference wins, although I think it's a euphemism that is hardly used these days.
  • ... ite_note-0

    "The term bonk for cycling fatigue is presumably derived from the original meaning "to hit", and dates back at least half a century. A 2005 video issued by the British Transport Films Collection contains several old films, one of which entitled "Cyclists Special", a color film produced in 1955, tells the story of a party of cyclists touring the English countryside. At one point they stop for refreshments and the film's commentator states that if they didn't rest and eat they would get "the bonk".

    I remember watching that film about 20 years ago - very twee but entertaining.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 20,928
    A 2005 video issued by the British Transport Films Collection contains several old films, one of which entitled "Cyclists Special", a color film produced in 1955, tells the story of a party of cyclists touring the English countryside. At one point they stop for refreshments and the film's commentator states that if they didn't rest and eat they would get "the bonk".
    Good spot! Someone needs to tell the OED.
  • I wonder whether ''bonking'' was originally another term for ''pinking'' or ''pinging,'' otherwise known as ''engine knocking,'' where (amongst other things) poor fuel quality could lead to an engine misfiring. I've no evidence to back that idea up though.
  • Boris Becker didn't know what it meant either.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,682
    I wonder if anyone has ever had the one version while partaking in the other? That would have to have been a fantastic session :lol: