Sierra Nevada / Las Alpujarras

Abdoujaparov Posts: 642
Hi folks,

Thinking of a week cycling in Sierra Nevada / Las Alpujarras in mid October. Any tips on places to stay and advice about the weather at altitude?

I'll be going with my girlfriend and we'll probably cycle 4 days with 3 doing other stuff so should be a nice place to generally chill and have other good places to visit nearby (the coast? Granada?). As well as having a decent number of tough, mountainous routes on our doorstep of course!

Was thinking about Pitres or Cadiar. Any good? Other options?

Also, Pitres is at about 1,200m I think - will it be baltic? What about the higher routes?

Cheers - any advice would be great.

Btw, have seen the stuff on Vamos Cycling and all that - some useful stuff there, but think we'll do our own thing.