The Cambrian Century Midnight Ride

First post here.
Sorry this is a bit last minute, but for those of you who are looking to notch up 100 miles of riding in the dark. The Bicycle Hub in Shropshire has organised a night ride. Going from the historic Ironbridge, over the lower of the Welsh hills to arrive in Barmouth on the coast for breakfast on the beach.
It goes at Midnight tomorrow night, Thats the 6th of August 2011. Registrations are up to 11pm on the night. It costs £30 or £50 including the coach back. All money goes to the Severn Hospice.
Ring the Hub on 01952 883249 or email
Its about the forth year it's been run, there is a good number of cyclists this year. It's my first time but I'm told the camaraderie is excellent, and it's fully supported with out riders and support cars.
Can't wait, and the weather forecast is good too.



  • Hello all.
    Just a quick note to let you know I completed the ride in the early hours of this morning.
    Having left the Bicycle Hub in Jackfield at midnight. A group of 41 riders were escorted through the historic town of Ironbridge just as the pubs were coming out. It was a fantastic scene with the revellers cheering us on, even commenting that 'it's like the Tour de France'.
    We then cycled in various groups, sometimes leading other times encouraging, to the first check point a Caerhowls, where Lou and Brian were waiting for us with hot tea, coffee or soup. Then on to the slopes. Check point three was down by the river just as the sun was coming up. Again Lou and Brian were there with the hot drinks and bananas. then on to the final slog, Turning north on the coast road and the sun is burning off the morning mist and the whole of the north Wales coast looms in to view. Fantastic. Breakfast which is included was provided by Kev and his team at the Promenade Cafe, cheers.
    One final thanks goes to Pete And GG and Nick and Heather, who were always there to give us support and the reassurance of a flashing orange beacon in the distance to aim for.

    Smashing, super, great can't wait for next year.
  • Here here.
    A fantastic event which was very well run.
    The route offered everything and the camaraderie was excellent.
    A definite for next year.

  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Oh excellent. Its a bit away from me - but I'd definitely be up for an all night ride. Will look out for this one next year.