Derelict South Wales quarry

doggegg Posts: 61
edited August 2011 in MTB general
OK we've all seen what's been done with Lee quarry, there's a massive quarry in Merthyr Tydfil closed down.
I have no idea how the Lee quarry trails came into existence but surely the same can be done here.
What needs to happen? I'm guessing it involves persuading overpaid beaurocrats but if anyone here is part of a group who's done this elsewhere I'd like to hear how you made it happen. We have a huge quarry doing nothing and I can't help but think about getting trails in there.
What's the first step? Can individuals try or does a group swing more weight? Etc etc.


  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    do a user search for el capitano, he works for the welsh assembly and i know that he's involved in some of the new trail centre developments going on, he'll be able to help you out if you pm him i reckon.

    but i do know that they use trefil quarry (i assume that's where you mean) quite a lot for film and tv shoots, so it depends how much they make from 'renting' that space out to it being used for mountain biking (i know people ride there anyway but i mean purpose built trails)
  • GJC
    GJC Posts: 198
    yeah i think i know the quarry you are talking about is it the one near cefn coed, taf fechan, i think the have mothballed it for now and its going to reopen for road materials for the dualing of the heads of the valleys road dowlais to aberdare. I regullary ride trefil quarry like welsh kev said there is alot of filming goes on the there, but there are plenty of trails natural and man made.

    Lapierre Spicy 316 2011
  • parksy78
    parksy78 Posts: 28
    You're right about the quarry at trefechan. its planned on opening again in the future. so since you boys all ride local to me, can you point me in the direction of some good single track. I ride talybont, dolygaer, trefil and taf fechan. just want some more fun!
    Still looking for the uphill that's as easy as the downhill!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    you could do what my mate did, and become part of the government :D