Really Wide mudguards (26x 2.2)

neil_sheehan2000 Posts: 529
edited August 2011 in Commuting general
Hi all,

The search function hasn't been particularly helpful for this (maybe I'm using it wrong), but I was wondering if anyone knows if or where you can get really wide mudguards from. I'm building up a commuter/pub bike out of bits I've got lying around and quite fancy the idea of using some 26 x 2.2 skate-park type tyres that I've got (it's not a particularly long commute)- DMR Motos, actually.

So I'm not looking for crudcatchers, but more something like SKS raceblades- even proper full mudguards will do (though I'd have to get some p-clips)- I do live in Glasgow, after all. These tyres are about 60mm wide, and given the size of them I think clearance under my V-brakes is going to be an issue.

Anyway, any help greatly appreciated. Cheers.
