Exmouth Exodus - Saturday 13 August

http://www.exmouthexodus.co.uk/ I'm thinking of doing this night ride - perhaps 100 miles in the dark will be easy if I'm half asleep :!:

Is anyone else doing this or done this in the past :?:


  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    I did it a couple of years ago.

    I am a hardcore Audax rider so 100 miles in the dark is no big deal...but there were plenty of people who had never done it before who made it to the finish. If the weather is kind it is not a difficult ride

    The start is at a pub, nice sociable people. Good sized field, see the rear lights stretching off into the distance. The first 10 miles or so seemed mostly downhill.

    I had trouble with my lights and so got to the rear of the field of riders in the first few miles.

    I found it slightly annoying the way that I'd be passed by a group then I'd catch them, stopped, at a junction asking "which way is it?". The ride has an audax style route sheet which is easy to read if a) you have a head torch and b) you have it attached to a holder on your handlebars

    Plenty of groups also just go the wrong way. More than once I was behind a large group moving at a reasonable speed who missed a turn en masse. By the time I got to the turn they had disappeared up the road :)

    Remember, when you are riding at night it does get surprisingly cold just before dawn, even in the middle of summer. So have extra clothes with you

    The last 20 miles are crossing the Blackdown Hills and Woodbury Common and have quite a lot of long, steep hills. Aim to get to the finish at the cafe for 7am sharp when they open for breakfasts

    Unfortunately, I won't be doing the ride this year. It is the weekend before a big event in Paris and I need to rest for that.
  • Greenmam
    Greenmam Posts: 42
    Me and a mate are doing it this year.hope to will be a good one.
  • Well, the train to Bristol is booked so I guess that mean's I'm going. Not booked to get back to Salisbury yet, am hoping to be able to catch a train from Honiton some time in the afternoon.

    Booking the bike onto FGW to Bristol was a challenge - 'overseas call centre'!!
  • Mark Bom
    Mark Bom Posts: 184
    I'm visiting my family in Exmouth that weekend, but not doing the ride.

    I'll be taking the bike and going on a run with my brother and brother-in-law, so if I see a load of folks heading towards Exmouth I'll know who you are!

    Have a good 'un.
  • I did it last year, it was great. If I wasn't in Sweden I'd do it again. And it's free.
    Highlights - riding up Burrington Combe just by the light of full moon and hearing the thump of Glastonbury festival in the distance as we crossed the levels.
    Make sure your lights are good, then you'll be able to go at proper speed on the downhills. Vorsprung is right, it does get a bit chilly at 3am in the morning.
  • Vorspring - thanks for the tips. We normally do a weekly evening/night ride so we've got some very bright lights and I expect we'll have a good line of followers. Good luck with your Paris ride - is it the Paris-Brest-Paris? If it is it sounds quite an undertaking.

    Train tickets are booked to Bristol now so hope the weather holds

    See everyone else in Bristol next Saturday
  • Weather's looking better now - should be dry all the way, albeit with something of a headwind!
  • Weather's looking better now - should be dry all the way, albeit with something of a headwind!