Gooood Morning, oh wait it's Monday...

angry_bird Posts: 3,787
edited August 2011 in The Crudcatcher
Morning fweaks

I hate waking up to realise it's Monday.

Last week of horse placement starts today, will be a fairly lazy day hopefully, I should probably try to learn something from it though but just feel like meh at the moment.



  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,288

    Family BBQ last night & late night = v tired this morning :(

    Bright side Uncle turned up in his new Ferrari 458, all I can say is wow, the speed of the thing is immense. Its like they have skipped a generation from the 430.

    Today is just work and maybe swimming with the kids later.
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    mroning, i am well tired today and eating late last night means i am bloated this morning! grr

    So an eventful weekend then, Missk's grandad is still in Coronary Care after his massive heart attack on thursday night and a repest one on friday morning. He is comfortable but i dont think he has long which is sad, is parkinsons isnt helping issues either. Poor bloke, such a nice man as well, spent 4 hours yesterday listening to stories of the war a stuff - interesting shizzle - i love old people!

    so i wonder if cheesewand(fabian2) will be on today writing things that make no sense what so ever!
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Eventfull weekend, family issues, no riding but did go to a BBQ.
    Going to try and get out tonight, put my headphones on and plug out some millage? got a race on sunday which last year almost brought me to tears it was so brutal.
    Nothing else interesting planned for the week. :?
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    edited August 2011
    Right then, Good morning everyone

    Monday, standby turn again, which is cool, and last day of the week for me which is also cool. Oh hang on did I say week? I meant month. So off for a hair trim now and I'll battle through a days work. Obviously, I'm not gloating

    Last night I finally got to see the final part of Harry Potter, which was bitter sweet. I really enjoyed it, yeah its a bit condensed from the book but you expect that, but it was the end, no more Potter films which I enoy immensely that provided the bitterness. I shall take the books with me on hols and read again though, straight though and enjoy.

    Hope everything gets better for him, good people don't deserve to suffer, so all the best mate.
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    insomnia+monday+no progress with ankle=meh

    that is all
    Too grumpy for kisses
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    I have just read the 9 pages of Fabian2 utter tosh, i'm glad i didnt see it yesteday i think i would of gone a little ott. But hey thats what makes the tinterwebb fun?
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Morning, wallpapering my room till midnight last night, just gotta clear some more junk out ready for the carpet and furniture tomorrow.
    "Youth's a mask, but it don't last
    live it long and live it fast."
    My dustcap topic: ... &highlight
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    jjunk out ready for the carpet

    Didn't think you had it in you :D
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    Morning all

    Weekend of total superdooperness, which could only have been bettered by spending it a Mr Ditchs Ditch Emporium with a bus load of hookers and a truckload of blow. Today I will be mostly working, with a little bit of cycling at lunch.
    VWsurfbum wrote:
    I have just read the 9 pages of Fabian2 utter tosh, i'm glad i didnt see it yesteday i think i would have gone a little ott. But hey thats what makes the tinterwebb fun?

    I wish I hadn't read it, I had nightmares about a giant Australian retard chasing me across the desert on an 80kg bike made of broken mopeds. And one of my friends now thinks I'm totally mental for asking her questions about Australian carbon creditts.
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    Greetings Maggots,

    Monday, meh! Overcast here in Stoke, but at least the study's cool.
    Needless to say, home based today

    Will give the FS bike a good service tonight, long overdue
  • Mehning everyone!

    Back to busy work. It's draining the life out of me at the moment. Have to wait til the last week of August until I get a week off, which sucks donkey eggs.

    Had a weekend of WIN though. Spent most of it in bed with a woman 8) I ache :twisted:

    Anywho's, back to the grindstone.

    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • MissBint37
    MissBint37 Posts: 1,503
    Kaiser83 Sorry about your other half's Grandfather. Even if it is not looking like a happy ending, at least his family who care about him are there for him at this difficult time.

    FoxCNoooooooo what happened about the ankle then? Insomnia sucks I get it if I haven't had much sunlight. Vitamin D3 usually rescues me!

    I am tired too, but the potter is in Stoke for a couple of days then has a big show in Hatfield so this week is a week of seeing friends and hopefully getting out on the bike....and maybe, just maybe getting some sleep! ZZzzzzzzzzz
    Ride it like you stole it!
  • Lost my ID card, I'm sure it's *somewhere* in my house. Have ordered a replacement anyway. Makes getting in and out of the building a bit of an arse though.

    Tomorrow off to get more work on my tattoo done and meeting a girl for breakfast, so should be a good, if painful, day.

    Just have to get through today first :\
  • tom_howard
    tom_howard Posts: 789
    VWsurfbum wrote:
    I have just read the 9 pages of Fabian2 utter tosh, i'm glad i didnt see it yesteday i think i would have gone a little ott. But hey thats what makes the tinterwebb fun?

    Same here! quite impressed hes still at it actually! other than that im mostly struggling through chronic sunburn :( went to watch Mrs Howard (the (56yr old) mother) do a charity skydive yesterday, only expected to be there for 2 hrs, ended up being there for 7 due to the number of perople they had booked in plus the tiny plane they had (only 2 tandem jumpers at a time) :shock: quite fancy doing it myself now though, anyone already done it? Also found out that skydiving isnt really a spectator sport...
    Santa Cruz 5010C
    Deviate Guide
    Specialized Sequoia Elite
    Pivot Mach 429SL
    Trek Madone 5.2 Di2
    Salsa Mukluk Carbon
    Specialized Turbo Levo Expert 29er
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    gaz & missbint cheers, he seemed in good spirits yesterday i must admit, a rapid change since friday. Everyone is skirting round the fact that we are near that time but he said it perfectly.

    Me "have you been causing mischeif"
    Denis "of course, theres no point sitting here lookign like yo're going to die"
    and he starts laughing - he's a legend and i've only known him a few months!
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,354
    Kaiser, sorry to hear about that :( . Keep your fingers crossed - he's getting properly looked after and these oldies can be a bit more resilient than we think sometimes.

    At least I don't have to care if it's Monday, just got a bit of shopping for a few bits, then pack the case ready for tomorrow morning when we're off Lanzarote. Really looking forward to it now 8)
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    MissBint37 Nothing's really happened, that's the problem. I can manage a very flat pootle on the bike, I can walk after a fashion, but that's it. It doesn't seem to be improving, and I haven't been given any guidance about how to make any improvements. Generally a bit farked off about it all now, being injured is now officially boring!
    Hospital tomorrow though, and I think I might cry in front of the consultant, try and embarrass him into referring me to the Sports Medicine unit!
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,354
    foxc_uk wrote:
    MissBint37 Nothing's really happened, that's the problem. I can manage a very flat pootle on the bike, I can walk after a fashion, but that's it. It doesn't seem to be improving, and I haven't been given any guidance about how to make any improvements. Generally a bit farked off about it all now, being injured is now officially boring!
    Hospital tomorrow though, and I think I might cry in front of the consultant, try and embarrass him into referring me to the Sports Medicine unit!
    Foxc, you're doing the right thing (though not so sure about using the crying tactics, that's usually reserved for getting your own way with your bloke when other tactics have failed :wink: ). The advice about post op recovery I had was very general and aimed at people who do 'average' amounts of exercise rather than hooning around on bikes giving it the beans. That's why I started cycling too fast too soon, had to back off and get get more specific advice. My problem, maybe like yours, is that this recovery takes way longer than expected and I have less patience than an impatient thing.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    foxc_uk wrote:
    MissBint37 Nothing's really happened, that's the problem. I can manage a very flat pootle on the bike, I can walk after a fashion, but that's it. It doesn't seem to be improving, and I haven't been given any guidance about how to make any improvements. Generally a bit farked off about it all now, being injured is now officially boring!
    Hospital tomorrow though, and I think I might cry in front of the consultant, try and embarrass him into referring me to the Sports Medicine unit!
    Foxc, you're doing the right thing (though not so sure about using the crying tactics, that's usually reserved for getting your own way with your bloke when other tactics have failed :wink: ). The advice about post op recovery I had was very general and aimed at people who do 'average' amounts of exercise rather than hooning around on bikes giving it the beans. That's why I started cycling too fast too soon, had to back off and get get more specific advice. My problem, maybe like yours, is that this recovery takes way longer than expected and I have less patience than an impatient thing.

    Don't have a bloke to use crying tactics on...! Can honestly say I don't think I've ever used them for that purpose anyway.

    I was wondering the other day if I'd have got better after care if I'd had to have an op. As it is I'm 4.5 months down the line and still can't walk properly, and still getting a lot of pain while walking. ho hum! more cake required today to cheer me up I think!
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083

    this is the worst bit of any recovery. When youre strapped or booted you've got something visually stopping you, when that's gone you want to be straight back into your stride, but you really need to slowly retrain your joints and muscles to do what they did before, really gradually. Years ago I sprained my wrist playing football and was advised to rest it for 6 weeks as I play in goal, I played the next week and seriously damaged the ligaments and didn't play for a year, I rushed back from that too, now as a result my left wrist is regularly painful, which hampers my work, footy, riding, guitar playing. Carry on building up slowly, you've got years ahead of you to enjoy pysical activity but if you try too much too soon you could impair that.

    The fact you are riding at all so soon is impressive, to me it sounds like you're making good progress
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    Good Afternoon Freaks!

    Contrary to popular belief, I AIN'T DEAD! :shock:

    Been uber busy with the new job - I start, minion goes off sick... Currently working 60+ hours a week, which although tiring, I'm really enjoying it. Working on the weekends does suck, but back to eating for Wales is a bit of a perk. We will be expanding the team in China, so I shall soon have my own hoard of minions. I just need to turn them evil!

    Not done much riding, due to the above, last month. This month's not looking to clever either, so someone else will have to challenge Mike for the distance acolade this month. Hmm, I wonder if my GPS will work in China...

    Anyway, back to the grind-stone as it were. Might have a bit more time for posting in the evenings this week.

    Much love and hugs and stuff. :D
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Well I am hoping this week is going to be better than the last one! My ex died of cancer, then I broke many ribs, then the dog popped its clogs yesterday.

    Anyway, enough moaning, onwards on upwards, tis Yorkshire day!
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    Gazlar You're right as usual Gazlar, I'm just really struggling with the impatience I think! Want it to be fixed NOW dammit!

    More soooorrrreeeeeeeen required.
  • supersonic wrote:

    Anyway, enough moaning, onwards on upwards, tis Yorkshire day!

    We're from yorkshire, we're supposed to moan! :lol:
  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    Moan! MOAN!

    Been stuck in a boiling office in the middle of Nottingham since 8AM and am preparing to go home soon. That's after working the weekend. No one here to save me <cries>

    Admittedly, that was to make up for time I spent actually biking in scotland :D Now that was fun. I only broke one spoke as well! Oh, and my forks are leaking a little bit of oil... But that's not very important :)

    On that note, I'm gonna escape. Wonder if I've missed the traffic. Probably not...
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Tartanyak wrote:
    Moan! MOAN!

    Been stuck in a boiling office in the middle of Nottingham since 8AM and am preparing to go home soon. That's after working the weekend. No one here to save me <cries>

    On that note, I'm gonna escape. Wonder if I've missed the traffic. Probably not...

    Go via Hooters :)
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    foxc_uk wrote:
    Gazlar You're right as usual Gazlar, I'm just really struggling with the impatience I think! Want it to be fixed NOW dammit!

    More soooorrrreeeeeeeen required.

    And with one simple sentence, you've become the perfect woman!

    It sounds liek you are improving very repidly though, like you say though, its frustrating not being able to do what you are used to doing. Are you getting physio too?
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Monday work was great! Boss was late for Monday meeting, so that killed two hours. Read a few reports, wrote a few reports, corrected some spelling. Train home, forgot the padlock for the gym. Got home early going for steakasauras .... Great start to the week.
    All hail the FSM and his noodly appendage!
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Andy wrote:
    Go via Hooters :)

    Probably the best post you've ever made Andy


    Result, i'm going home 2 and half hours early and thats it now until 30th August. I'm going to celebrate with a big plate of food!!
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Muttly1981
    Muttly1981 Posts: 815
    Gazlar wrote:

    this is the worst bit of any recovery. When youre strapped or booted you've got something visually stopping you, when that's gone you want to be straight back into your stride, but you really need to slowly retrain your joints and muscles to do what they did before, really gradually. Years ago I sprained my wrist playing football and was advised to rest it for 6 weeks as I play in goal, I played the next week and seriously damaged the ligaments and didn't play for a year, I rushed back from that too, now as a result my left wrist is regularly painful, which hampers my work, footy, riding, guitar playing. Carry on building up slowly, you've got years ahead of you to enjoy pysical activity but if you try too much too soon you could impair that.

    The fact you are riding at all so soon is impressive, to me it sounds like you're making good progress

    I've always struggled when coming back from injury as i always come back too soon and end up doing more damage, broke a bone and dislocated my ankle playing rugby and decided after 4 weeks i was fine so just strapped it up and played i lasted 7 minutes before coming off with damaged ligaments after the ankle giving way again :( this kept me out for 3 months. Once i returned i had to change my running style so i was pain free but that just put strain on my knee and then my hip, by the end of the season i was struggling to walk for days after a game. Also suffered with a wrist injury for the last three years after making a fine save playing football, it was a volley from point blank range that cracked a bone in my wrist. I cut the cast off after three weeks and played again that ended in more damage, i now suffer from tendonitis in my wrist and need to have steroid injections ever 6 months with surgery an option in the future.

    Foxc When your at home try using the RICE method (Rest,Ice,Compression and Elevation) when i'm struggling with my wrist i find it helps.

    Was a long day at work as the heat was horrid and the roof vents in the building are faulty on the day i need to manually pack and drag around 500kg pallets around, had planned a ride out tonight but i'm shattered.
    What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place? What if to get to heaven, you had to brave hell? What if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? Would you still go there?