ROI Access Laws

Mountaincoffee Posts: 129
edited August 2011 in Routes

I am currently planning a trip to Southern Ireland, just wondered if anyone knew anything about the access rights e.g. can mountain bikes ride on footpaths as they can in Scotland, of course being responsible and not terrorising walkers.

I know Northern Ireland has the same access laws as England and Wales but can't fine the ROI anywhere.

A Lawton


  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    You can't ride on footpaths.

    There's some legal technicalities about whether it's trespass if you;re on a footpath but the land owner hasn't asked you to leave yet, but you shouldn't be on footpaths.

    Not that people don't ride on them.....

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."