Some pics from TdF

Cornish-J Posts: 978
edited July 2011 in Pro race
Here's a couple pics i took at this years tour...

Alps by .JayD., on Flickr

So Many Cervelo Bikes!! by .JayD., on Flickr

Grenoble ITT by .JayD., on Flickr

Contador on the Alpe D'Huez by .JayD., on Flickr

Contador and Sanchez on the Alpe D'Huez by .JayD., on Flickr

Cadel in Yellow by .JayD., on Flickr


  • Stone Glider
    Stone Glider Posts: 1,227
    Thank you, very atmospheric. Apart from Alp d'Huez where the atmosphere is a bit thinner, obviously :?
    The older I get the faster I was
  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329
    Fantastic shots! Thanks for sharing. Did you do those for pay or just for fun?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Good stuff.
  • Cornish-J
    Cornish-J Posts: 978
    thanks guys, these were just for myself.

    i'll upload some more after my TT tonight if anyones interested - took about 200!
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Superb photos. Would love to see more.
  • Cornish-J
    Cornish-J Posts: 978
    As promised - some more..

    tdf15 by .JayD., on Flickr

    tdf14 by .JayD., on Flickr

    tdf13 by .JayD., on Flickr

    tdf12 by .JayD., on Flickr

    tdf11 by .JayD., on Flickr

    tdf10 by .JayD., on Flickr

    tdf9 by .JayD., on Flickr

    tdf8 by .JayD., on Flickr

    DSC_0043 by .JayD., on Flickr

    DSC_0194 by .JayD., on Flickr

    DSC_0264 by .JayD., on Flickr

    DSC_0261 by .JayD., on Flickr

    DSC_0259 by .JayD., on Flickr

    DSC_0273 by .JayD., on Flickr

    I did at least get chance to say well done to Mark
  • ascurrell
    ascurrell Posts: 1,739
    Great pics, you must have had a great time.
    Out of interest which was the best stage you saw and why ?
    Great variety, mountains, time trial, paris.
    well done
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 19,066
    I'm trying to understand where you standing/sitting in some of those pix?
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • Cornish-J
    Cornish-J Posts: 978
    yea we had a fantastic time thanks, first time watching the tour and we did it all by public transport etc so was a great adventure, albeit a little stressful at times!

    The Alpe D'Huez was great and probably my favourite stage - the travel there (cable cars etc), the views, the atmosphere was brilliant and seeing all the amatuers ride up the mountain just a few hours before the pros was really kool.
    We were stood on the last bend (corner 0 i think its called).

    Time Trial was great, the riders have to cycle through the crowds to get to the start line so you can get very close to the riders and get a really good look at the equipment etc.
    We walked between the start line and finish line at the time trial as they were both extremely close.
    One dissapointment with the TT was that the warmup area was closed off to VIP people - i was hoping to see them warmup on the turbos etc
    After the event, we were walking back to the hotel along a fairly busy main road in grenoble, one of the astana riders casually cycled past in full team gear on his TT race croissant run perhaps!

    Paris - again, fantastic stage to watch as the riders go past quite a few times, we were stood directly opposite the sprint line right at the barriers (took about 3hours of waiting there to keep that spot!), the finish line is completely blocked off for vip access only which was a bit rubbish but we watched the final sprint on the big screen.

    all in all, fantastic experience and would certainly do it again, couldnt afford to do it every year - especially with Paris prices ... €5.60 for a bottle of cola!!!!
  • Mark Bom
    Mark Bom Posts: 184

    Really envious, the experience sounds great and makes me want to try and go next year, but cost is a problem.

    Were you one of the Cornishmen flying the flag over there? I saw a few Kernow flags along the route when I watched it on telly, as a Cornishman I felt quite proud!!!
  • Cornish-J
    Cornish-J Posts: 978
    no i wasnt, i didnt see any cornish flags :( i havent watched the stage on tv yet, must do that on itv player soon!

    the experience was brilliant and the sooner you can get everything booked the better and cheaper it is (as soon as the stages are announced get it all booked)

    our trip was...(all prices are PP)

    plymouth to paddington train £13
    paddington to victoria Tube £couple quid
    Victoria to gatwick train £12
    gatwick to lyon flight £38
    lyon to grenoble train £17.50
    grenoble hotel (was very basic) £20 PP per night - so £40 each
    Grenoble to alpe dhuez return coach - £25
    Grenoble to paris train - £71
    Paris hotel for two nights - £170 total so £85 each.
    paris to bristol flight - £80

    total PP was just under 400quid plus we both took 150 spending money which was enough to cover all food, local buses etc

    Did take a lot of organising, trying to tie in flight times with trains etc but all worked well and i quite like organising stuff like that anyway :D only downside was a 6hour wait at gatwick airport between 1am and 7am ... that was a LOOOOONG 6 hours!!