Graeme Obree Classisc Sportive

djcozzer Posts: 36
Hi there. Anyone signed up for this event this Sunday.?


  • Robert72
    Robert72 Posts: 84
  • djcozzer
    djcozzer Posts: 36
    hello me. where would you be then me?
  • Robert72
    Robert72 Posts: 84
    down in sunny Ayr. My mate is also doing the longer one. Last time I looked there was only about 70 entries.
  • Robert72
    Robert72 Posts: 84
    sorry wrong info their are now 234 signed up.
  • djcozzer
    djcozzer Posts: 36
    I'm in sunny Dundonald. Doing "the longer one." Probably foolhardy but with a couple of 50's under the belt I thought I'd push the boat out a bit.

    Best of luck on the day!!

  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    Enjoy the ride chaps!

    BTW, had a quick look at the website and was pretty gobsmacked by the price (£35). That's virtually £1 per mile (on the intermediate) to ride on public roads. They aren't even providing timing chips.

    I really think this sportive bubble will burst soon - there are just too many at it now and the prices are getting silly. Maybe that shows in the fact that only 230 of the 2000 places have been filled.

    Rant over

    a serious case of small cogs
  • Robert72
    Robert72 Posts: 84
    it is expensive, but it is right on my doorstep so I thought I would give it a go. Lets hope it's a bit more friendly than the last couple I have taken part in. It seems that if your not fast no one is interested.
  • djcozzer
    djcozzer Posts: 36
    There aren't that many sportives around here but I didn't think it was too expensive given the amount of organisation, policing etc.I notice the 2 longer events will be timed but as you say no mention of chips so not the best timing then if that's the case. I too am riding because it's local and we need to support these events or lose them. I'm hoping it provides me with a platform/springboard on to my entry for the pedal for Scotland 100 miler.(phew!!)
  • djcozzer
    djcozzer Posts: 36
    just got the info pack last night. The 45 and 65 milers will be timed. Transponders handed out on the day.