Wrist Supports

stu100 Posts: 40
My wrists ten to kill me when i go offroading. I see there is a limited choice of wrist supports with mixed reviews.
Do they really help?


  • I broke wrist playing rugby years ago, I had a big off in Afan in April and wrist not been right since, so I got hold of the 661 wrist supports and it could be psycological but I found they help alot, i still get the odd wince and such, but think it would be worse without them

    and I have been to Alps, Aston Hills, Woburn, Chiltern Hills, all over the place and they appear to work whether XC or downhilling

    At price they are, try them out?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Wrist supports are really intended to help recover after an injury.
    To solve the cause of the pain, you should try sorting out your riding position, bar angle, brake lever angle etc, and strengthen your forearms.