Wight Ferry sportive

topcattim Posts: 766
Great event today. Cracking route round the Isle of Wight, beautiful area, full of short sharp climbs, and one tricky long drag up to Tennyson Down near the Needles into a nasty headwind. Organisation was really good (just like the last Wiggle Super Series event I did), even in terms of getting lots of cyclists on and off the ferries. Feed stops sensibly placed, well stocked. Friendly riders too, nice to get a chance to chat on the ferry.

Only thing that blighted my day was buckling my front wheel on the ferry on the return home. Lesson learned by me: don't ride your bike up the slope: there's a gap between the parts of the ramp that is just the right size for a wheel to fit in. :( Had to limp back to the finish and missed the blast over the final 15 miles back to the finish but I guess that just means I'll have to come back next year and give it my best shot.


  • Yeah, top event! Even better was the "free" ice cream from Wiggle at the finish line :)

    The organisation at the ferry terminal was first rate, although I never did see the feed station at the Yarmouth terminal on the way back - was it even there? Can't say enough about the WightLink staff who were perfectly happy to accommodate 100s of cyclists. I do hope someone had a camera on the return boat I was on - quite a sight to see the ENTIRE mezzanine car deck filled with nothing except bikes! 8)

    Nice too to see a couple of supporters clapping at the top of Tennyson Down. A few more with basque flags and air horns would have made the perfect day! Shame about the headwind on the descent - you can hit 60mph on the way down if there's no breeze.
  • stuaff
    stuaff Posts: 1,736
    Great event indeed. Done round the island a few times, pleased to discover there are some hills that route missed, lol. Feed station at Yarmouth was right over the road from the terminal, as well stocked as the others. Did the standard route, just over five hours (I'm never going to get more than bronze standard and I don't care! :) ).
    Dahon Speed Pro TT; Trek Portland
    Viner Magnifica '08 ; Condor Squadra
    LeJOG in aid of the Royal British Legion. Please sponsor me at http://www.bmycharity.com/stuaffleck2011
  • nunowoolmez
    nunowoolmez Posts: 867
    One of the best Sportives i've done this year (this was my 11th) & the organisation from Wiggle was, as ever, seamless. Ferry rides were great fun, enjoyed chatting to like minded folk & taking in the fun atmosphere - will be signing up for it next year for sure. Ride wise i am happy but also disappointed. Managed to get my first ever Epic Gold standard time but am overall a bit deflated. Felt i totally buckled (these puns aren't intentional by the way) on the way back from the ferry & really began to struggle. Finally got back into it after taking on some gels & a rice crispies chocolate square but was too late by then to feel i did myself justice. Also taking a half hour detour on the island somehow did not help!! Any way a most enjoyable day out in the country...
  • nunowoolmez
    nunowoolmez Posts: 867
    One of the best Sportives i've done this year (this was my 11th) & the organisation from Wiggle was, as ever, seamless. Ferry rides were great fun, enjoyed chatting to like minded folk & taking in the fun atmosphere - will be signing up for it next year for sure. Ride wise i am happy but also disappointed. Managed to get my first ever Epic Gold standard time but am overall a bit deflated. Felt i totally buckled (these puns aren't intentional by the way) on the way back from the ferry & really began to struggle. Finally got back into it after taking on some gels & a rice crispies chocolate square but was too late by then to feel i did myself justice. Also taking a half hour detour on the island somehow did not help!! Any way a most enjoyable day out in the country...