Bleughh! Fat & Orrible ....

slowlanejane Posts: 312
edited July 2011 in The bottom bracket
Haven't ridden for ages. Weeks. Not proper riding anyway. Problems at work, family committments, weather cr@p & bad back conspiring against me. Feel fat & orrible. Roll on Saturday though and I'm out early to do some miles. 20 max tho, or I'll aggravate the back again.


  • MountainMonster
    MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
    Good luck!

    It's a lovely feeling getting back on the bike!
  • iainment
    iainment Posts: 992
    Good luck!

    It's a lovely feeling getting back on the bike!

    As the Archbishop said to the actress.
    Old hippies don't die, they just lie low until the laughter stops and their time comes round again.
    Joseph Gallivan
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    I have a nasty cold/flu, fluids streaming out of every orifice and I'm meant to be at Lords today. Thought that it would rain all day so I could get a refund and it hasn't. Haven't ridden in a week. Woe is me.

    Don't ask why I got a ticket for the same day as the Queen stage in the Tour. My mate is a member and he booked them months ago.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    I have a nasty cold/flu, fluids streaming out of every orifice and I'm meant to be at Lords today. Thought that it would rain all day so I could get a refund and it hasn't. Haven't ridden in a week. Woe is me.

    Don't ask why I got a ticket for the same day as the Queen stage in the Tour. My mate is a member and he booked them months ago.

    Proper bloke moaning that. None of the usual nonsense about how hard childbirth is or the mess it makes of lady bits, just concentrates on the suffering of a runny nose and a wasted ticket for Lords. Chappeau! Stewie
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    Bobbinogs wrote:
    I have a nasty cold/flu, fluids streaming out of every orifice and I'm meant to be at Lords today. Thought that it would rain all day so I could get a refund and it hasn't. Haven't ridden in a week. Woe is me.

    Don't ask why I got a ticket for the same day as the Queen stage in the Tour. My mate is a member and he booked them months ago.

    Proper bloke moaning that. None of the usual nonsense about how hard childbirth is or the mess it makes of lady bits, just concentrates on the suffering of a runny nose and a wasted ticket for Lords. Chappeau! Stewie

    Childbirth? My nose is quite raw as I have been blowing it so often :P Was really looking forward to today, set up a Twitter account to keep up with the stage while quaffing jugs of Pimms in the Warner Stand.
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Childbirth? My nose is quite raw as I have been blowing it so often :P Was really looking forward to today, set up a Twitter account to keep up with the stage while quaffing jugs of Pimms in the Warner Stand.[/quote]

    As long as your nostrils don't start to look like messy lady bits after childbirth you'll be allright :shock: :shock: maybe go easy on the blowing just in case :wink:
  • plowmar
    plowmar Posts: 1,032
    It's a hard life isn't it. :wink:

    Still good job you didn't go - might of used the nose as a spare ball. :lol: