Tour du Mont Blanc.

KKB Posts: 28
So did anyone do this years 2nd edition? If so, would love to hear how it went.
I notice there were a few more starters than last year but that is about all the info I can find from the sportcommunication website. No surprises there!!
Very keen to have a crack next year and hoping to find out next years date to start the ball rolling.


  • londonlivvy
    londonlivvy Posts: 644
    You must be mad as a box of frogs to even be considering it!! (but chapeau if you manage it) I've seen it before and thought it looks stunning, but an epic, epic, challenge.

    Looking at the results list on here ... index2.php
    there are only a couple of English names so I think you'll be lucky to find anyone on this forum who did it - but a fellow aussie managed it.

    Not sure how your french is but I've found a couple of blog stories about the adventure:
    2010 reports: ... 34404.html

    2011 seems to have brought horrific weather which might explain why there were only 90 finishers out of 250 starters. ... r-de-dluge (this guy came second)

    If you'd like me to translate then let me know and I'll do it one night this week.
  • genki
    genki Posts: 305
    And here's the report from the winner: ... lanc-2011/

    Sounds brutal. The guy who came 2nd describes an interesting method for warming his legs up :shock:
  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    Thanks for that Livvy and Genki. Some interesting reading, especially with the Google translate 'slant' on it.
    It really sounded like crap weather, surely this can't happen two years in a row. :?

    Can't let a bit of rain, sleet and cold put us off can we. Bring on 2012.
  • MBaker
    MBaker Posts: 1
    I entered the race this year, the weather was not ideal with rain forecast for most of the day and in some areas thunder and lightning - same weather system that dumped snow on the higher mountains including The Galibier. The rain started (heavily) about 2-3 hours after the early 5am start, temperatures I thought were perfect in the lower lying areas - around 15-17 degree, but dropped significantly towards the higher elevations - approx 3-4 degrees at the top of The Grand Bernard pass, so not far off snowing.

    Unfortunately my race came to an end 7-8km from the top of The Grand Bernard pass when my chain snapped which also bent the rear mech. I walked to the top, hoping a mechanic might be able to help (if I got in the broom wagon I would have been eliminated from the race) so I could carry on, but alas nothing was available. I bowed out, hugely disappointed, but vowed to be back next year.

    I would certainly recommend it to anyone, it is truly an epic ride and for those who finished it a massive well done, I noticed when driving back to the Mont Blanc tunnel the weather did improve which was doubly annoying!! However a lot of people did bow out after the food stop in Martigny, hence why only 80 odd finishers.

    The organisation was fantastic, they had a van and motorbike constantly driving up and down the field, making sure everyone was ok, the food stops were fully stocked with water / cakes / energy bars etc. The pre-race meeting was imformative, perhaps next year they ought to hand out a copy of the slides as there was alot of information regarding food stops, cut-off times etc. But thats the only thing on what I thought was a very well organised event.

    Hope for better weather next year as the views would be even more stunning, which certainly helps distract ones mind from the pain of climbing!!
  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    Thanks for the race wrap.
    That's really disappointing for you and like you say hopefully there is better weather next year.
    I hope to see you at Les Saisies.
  • Hi, I know this topic has been open fopr a couple of months but did you get an joy on next years date. I'm hoping it will be a couple of weeks after the marmotte, (thats how I've planned my holidays anyway) I've been keeping a eye on sport communication but nothing at the moment. Me and a mate are well up for it so i'm really hoping to get gto the start line but if its not when i think it will be its going to hard so any info on the date would be much appreciated.
  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    I'm fairly confident it's the 15th of July, even though Sport Communication haven't released it yet.
    If you have a look on Eric Leblacher's website (link on the second post in this thread), it has a countdown in the top right corner which I think makes it the 15th.
    I hope so anyway as I've booked accomm there for 3 nights!! If the date is wrong and it all turns to poo, at least it looks like a nice spot to be!
  • Interesting. I thought it would be the 22nd, 2 weeks after the marmotte as it was this year, but i'm sure your probably right as you've done the research. I know what you're saying about accomm, i've already booked a hotel and flights to get over for the marmotte which i'm really hoping is on the 7th (according to those organised trip sites). I'll read back and look at that site. The 15th could work well. I intially was going to go out for the marmotte, come back and go again for the big one but now I could stay the week. Cheers for the info and maybe i'll see you on the 15th.
  • I've just had a look on one of those day counting websites, that makes it the 14th. I dont know if it makes any difference you being on australian time and me being on UK, but I suppose 14th/15th same difference, it will just be another day re-living the glory with the rest of the riders, or alternatively a day laying in bed with everything aching like never before.
  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    So you only think it will be ONE day laying in bed saying to yourself "what was I thinking".
    Perhaps I should book another night at that B&B. I may need it.

    See you in 9 months.
  • A friend of mine did it this year in treacherous weather.

    You are looking at 17-18 hours on the saddle if you are in pretty good form. The question is... can you cycle 17 hours up and down mountains without collapsing or making it dangerous for you?
    left the forum March 2023
  • I've no idea, but I wont know until I try.
  • marc9926 wrote:
    I've no idea, but I wont know until I try.

    Two things... if you are comfortable with the Marmotte, saying you can get gold or silver, it's a good starting point hills-wise... then you have to fit in a few long rides months before the event, to gauge your training. 18 hours on the saddle can be a pretty uncomfortable experience.

    I have never considered such events as my cut-off is around 8 hours... I am simply not enjoying it anymore after 6 hours and hating it after 8 hours... the idea of another 10 hours is way beyond me
    left the forum March 2023
  • John Parkin, a Brit rode it last year, here's his blog - http://www.mercuryperformancecoaching.c ... 048&bid=38
    founder of
  • John Parkin, a Brit rode it last year, here's his blog - http://www.mercuryperformancecoaching.c ... 048&bid=38

    He is the friend of mine I was mentioning... :D
    left the forum March 2023
  • John Parkin, a Brit rode it last year, here's his blog - http://www.mercuryperformancecoaching.c ... 048&bid=38

    He is the friend of mine I was mentioning... :D

    Small world. Really good article like MBaker above, really gives you an idea just how tough this event is. It seems to throw everything at you. Lots of training to prepare, but an epic once in a lifetime experience.

    I'm in Souths Bucks too ...
    founder of
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    If you can afford it,it's worth doing the route with eg over 4 days or even go out on your own and ride part of the route over a couple of days. As an endurance test on the bike then it's pretty tough but as a 3 or 4 day holiday it can be enjoyable
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    This event sounds very tempting - I for me the Marmotte is actually too short to make just completing a real challenge - and I'm not good or quick enough (just scraped a gold) to really be at the sharp end of the race. Don't get me wrong I loved the day out but it's not something I could really focus my training on just with the aim of knocking maybe an hour off my time - whereas I think this would have that fear factor as being beyond any single day on the bike I'd done before.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    I like the sound of this - it would be a real challenge and might think of giving it a go in perhaps 2012. How good do you have to be as I would be gutted to get swept up in the broom wagon after travelling all the way to do it?

    For reference I did the Marmotte this year in 8:20.
    Brian B.
  • Just to let you all know and especially KKB. I've just seen on the sport communication site that the date for next year will be 22nd July. Entries are not open yet though.
  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    Thanks Marc, I spotted that last night and went into 'damage control' as far as re-organising accommodation in Les Saisies. Thankfully it was easier than I thought.

    See you next July.
  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    Registration is open...... ... /index.php

    Now is the time to test the size of one's testicles!!

    I've just entered, and funnily, they seem to be shrinking..... rapidly.
    But it's ok, I have 6 months or so to give myself enough 'uppercuts' to give this a damn good crack!

  • marc9926
    marc9926 Posts: 20
    edited December 2011
    I'm in. Bring it on. Just pushed a whole hour on the turbo, that 2/3 times a week will be enough. won't it?
  • I'm in as well, got to be one of the craziest decisions I have ever made, the etape act 2 was going
    to be my main target for the year, now its just a gentle warm up.

    Off for a long session on the turbo.
  • marc9926 wrote:
    I'm in. Bring it on. Just pushed a whole hour on the turbo, that 2/3 times a week will be enough. won't it?

    Plenty of shortcuts available at the counter of the local Boots... :lol:
    left the forum March 2023
  • Are you saying that wont be ehough :lol: I suppose I'll just have to stick to the 200-250 Mile weeks I've been putting in for the last few months.
  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    Ok, I know it's a few months out yet but just wondering among those that have signed up, how your 'early lead up' is looking?
    I realise you 'Northern Hemisphere'ites' probably struggle getting out with the weather but just curious to see what miles you're getting in.
    I did a very hard 200k last weekend and backing up for a 'flatter' 600 Audax this weekend which should tell me where I'm at at this stage.
    Also wanted to post so I could 'bump' this thread back up there on the front page. :wink:

    It makes it seem more realistic.
    Oh, BTW, did I mention I reckon July 25 is gonna' hurt a bit?
  • marc9926
    marc9926 Posts: 20
    Its going ok, I'm probably pushing 250-300mile a week, normally a 100miler one day with some other faster stuff in there somewhere, (my commute is 20 mile each way so I've been using it to do so interval training). The weather has been garbage but I've still managed to get out. I'm doing it with a friend and the plan is to do more of the same above with 2 days in may doing back to back 150miles and a 180mile route we've got planned in the Welsh mountains in june and maybe some 100mile TTs. Also we're doing the Marmotte 2 weeks before the big day. Doing the Marmotte as a warm up training ride sounds ridiculous. :lol: Hopefully that will get us through but your right, its definately going to sting :!: :!: :!:
  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    4 days away chaps, who's still in?
    In St Jean d M at the moment and heading over on Friday. Feeling a tad 'not ready' also.
    Anyone doing it had any event updates? I haven't had any emails, just assuming we turn up and register.

    Keen to hear.
  • marc9926
    marc9926 Posts: 20
    Yeah, I'm still in and I have had not contact as well so I'm sure its just a turn up and register job. Always going to think that you're not ready but I dont see that I could have done much more training wise, so, mechanical crisis aside, if I dont make it on Sunday I never will!!