If Evans wins...

Cressers Posts: 1,329
edited July 2011 in Pro race
Will he be the most unworthy winner of the TDF for many a year?

I suspect his rare turn at the front yesterday will be too much for him and he'll go back to his default wheelsucking today, hoping to hang-on to the leaders and make up any time defict in the ITT.


  • luckao
    luckao Posts: 632
    Are you stuck in a pre-World Championships 2009.
  • MaxwellBygraves
    MaxwellBygraves Posts: 1,353
    I don't care, I put some money on him to win pre-tour when he was at 25/1...come on Evans!!
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    You need better bait than that.
  • disgruntledgoat
    disgruntledgoat Posts: 8,957
    Didn't he win a stage? Which is more than any of the other GC contenders have tried to do (Contador excepted)
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • stokepa31
    stokepa31 Posts: 560
    I guess if he wins it will be in a similar way to wiggins at the dauphine so ive got no problem with that. He was a credit to the WC hoops and I think he would be a very popular tour winner.

    Far better he wins it than 1 drug embattled spaniard and 2 lightweight no class luxers.
    Burning Fat Not Rubber

    Scott CR1
    Genesis IO ID
    Moda Canon
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Cressers wrote:
    Will he be the most unworthy winner of the TDF for many a year?

    I suspect his rare turn at the front yesterday will be too much for him and he'll go back to his default wheelsucking today, hoping to hang-on to the leaders and make up any time defict in the ITT.

    What absolute bolux. Active in the first week, winning a stage; led the GC contenders into Gap, gapping Bertie & Samu on a descent (!), covering attacks from the Schlecks in the mountains. In top 10 in both points and KoM and GC.

    What do you want? He's the best TTer by a mile of those close on GC so why attack (when he already has a stage)?

    Unworthy? Every other winner for about 3 decades has been unTRUSTworthy*


    PS My odds were 39 - 1 :wink: ?

    * see what I did there

    Strava is not Zen.
  • a win is a win. You cannot win the tour without being worthy. There are too many variables and too many stages to say that someone who finishes in the least time is not worthy.

    Possibly not the most exciting rider but i dont think your argument is valid.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    If he wins then he's earned it. End of.

    You can only beat the men in front of you.
  • You can only beat the men in front of you.
    behind you, surely? ;)
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    You can only beat the men in front of you.
    behind you, surely? ;)

    That's not the saying though, is it? ;)
  • It bloody well should be :)
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    calvjones wrote:
    Unworthy? Every other winner for about 3 decades has been unTRUSTworthy*
    Well said Mr Jones. If either him or Tommy win this race, it would restore just a little bit of my faith in this farcical sport.
  • lloyd_bower
    lloyd_bower Posts: 664
    calvjones wrote:
    Cressers wrote:
    Will he be the most unworthy winner of the TDF for many a year?

    I suspect his rare turn at the front yesterday will be too much for him and he'll go back to his default wheelsucking today, hoping to hang-on to the leaders and make up any time defict in the ITT.

    What absolute bolux. Active in the first week, winning a stage; led the GC contenders into Gap, gapping Bertie & Samu on a descent (!), covering attacks from the Schlecks in the mountains. In top 10 in both points and KoM and GC.

    What do you want? He's the best TTer by a mile of those close on GC so why attack (when he already has a stage)?

    Unworthy? Every other winner for about 3 decades has been unTRUSTworthy*


    PS My odds were 39 - 1 :wink: ?

    * see what I did there

    Agree, would like to Evans win it. He'd have won it 07' but for the Rasmussen/Contador battle. He's never had strong team support & was unlucky when Sastre won it.

    He's one of the few I'd be certain ain't doping.
  • StageWinner
    StageWinner Posts: 202
    Don't feed the troll.
  • peterst6906
    peterst6906 Posts: 530
    Cressers wrote:
    Will he be the most unworthy winner of the TDF for many a year?

    Cressers wrote:
    I suspect his rare turn at the front yesterday will be too much for him and he'll go back to his default wheelsucking today, hoping to hang-on to the leaders and make up any time defict in the ITT.

    You obviously haven't been following the tour.

    St 1: 2nd
    St 4: 1st
    St 8: 3rd
    St 9: 6th
    St 12: 5th
    St 14: 4th
    St 16: 10th

    When you take out the sprinters stages (3, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 15) and the TTT (2), he's finishing in the top 6 places in 6 out of 9 stages, and praised for his riding in a stage where he finished 10th.

    As those figures show, the only thing unworthy is this thread.


  • luckao
    luckao Posts: 632
    Like it or not, these things tend to award consistency, because, well, it'd be a bit crap if you could stroll in casually and still win. Anybody tempted to pillory Cadel should show a bit of consistency themselves and do the same to Rojas whilst they're at it.
  • Matt the Tester
    Matt the Tester Posts: 1,261
    he deserves it! go on cuddles! ;)
    Coveryourcar.co.uk RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • scrumpydave
    scrumpydave Posts: 143
    Cressers - you sound like Andy Schleck.

    In my opinion Evans has been a real highlight of this Tour.
    Riding the Etape du Tour for Beating Bowel Cancer - click to donate http://bit.ly/P9eBbM
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    I've decided I like Cadel.

    He comes across as honest and straight in interviews, not spin and bullsh*t

    And he works hard - he's a diesel climber so he will struggle to break away from opponents on climbs like Contador can, but he keeps on covering attacks even when the Schlecks try the 1 - 2 on him.

    At Lotto he didn't have a team, the team was biased towards leading-out McEwen in sprints, so how often did we see him on a hilly stage where they'd arrive at the foot of the final climb with him alone against half of the CSC/Saxo or Discovery/Astana teams ?