What you think the TDF pro`s do on rest day, like today ?

Ezy Rider
Ezy Rider Posts: 415
edited July 2011 in Road beginners
LOL, I know "rest" is begging to be typed in response.

Do you think they are taking several ice baths for their legs, light cycling, topping up on recovery drink, calorie loading for tuesdays stage etc etc.

Anybody got the lowdown on what a TDF pro does on the few rest days they are granted ?


  • White Line
    White Line Posts: 887
    A wee ride. About two hours. Taking it easy obviously.

    And relaxing of course. Maybe a film and a bag of Revels.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Extra rest/sleep, interviews, road ride of a few hours, strategy meetings for upcoming days ahead, more extra rest, coffee, lounging, massage, etc.

    It's a little like a regular day, but with less riding. And the riding is less intense.

    But they need to keep their body and head in the same routine so they don't stray too far from the race day routine.
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    A lot of them do quite long rides as otherwise they feel like crap the following race day, can't say I'd fancy a 4 hour tempo ride after surviving the Pyrenees :p
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    They get down the local Weatherspoons about lunchtime, get on it bigtime. Then about 5'ish they will have a couple of Vodka Redbulls then a few more scoops before having an Indian. Usually a fight in the carpark after more cheeky pints between a few GC rivals ( the domestiques usually kick off first), maybe a knee trembler with one of the podium girls behind a wheelie bin and then a Kebab and beddy-byes. (No clubbing, they are well disciplined) A pint of water before bedtime, meet up in a greasy spoon around half 9 the next morning, some Nurofen or a berocca if they feel rough, full english and a de-brief of the night before and then its back on the road. Obviously the Schlecks don't do any of this because they are boring tw@ts, but Cadel, Basso and Voeckler would've been well up for it. :wink:
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Those b@stards have it all then, sounds like my ideal day off. I wish I was a pro...apart from all the hard work, suffering and the crashes, obviously.
  • Think Cav is having a bash on @petatodd if you follow twitter
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • plowmar
    plowmar Posts: 1,032
    No sprint for the line then. :oops:
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    do they really go out riding?

    i thought they would just sit around the hotel pool and eat!

    (plus the odd knee trembler with the podium girls, of course)
  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    gkerr4 wrote:
    do they really go out riding?

    They have to or their legs would seize up and the day after they'd be in trouble keeping with the bunch.

    You must have noticed this yourself? The best treatment for a heavy day in the saddle is going for a brisk ride again the next day. "Hair of the Dog"
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    vorsprung wrote:
    gkerr4 wrote:
    do they really go out riding?

    They have to or their legs would seize up and the day after they'd be in trouble keeping with the bunch.

    You must have noticed this yourself? The best treatment for a heavy day in the saddle is going for a brisk ride again the next day. "Hair of the Dog"

    yes i suppose so - although I don't tend to ride killer long rides every day for three weeks!
  • Think Cav is having a bash on @petatodd if you follow twitter

    Directly preceded by Renshaw, Goss, Eisel etc no doubt (Joke :lol:)
  • Crem
    Crem Posts: 6
    What do they do on their days off ? The same as any other day... drugs.

  • Ezy Rider
    Ezy Rider Posts: 415
    Crem wrote:
    What do they do on their days off ? The same as any other day... drugs.


    so far only 1 druggie story that i know of , thats a heck of a reduction from previous years.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Some rest day tweets to give you an idea of what they do:

    Fabian Cancellara - 30min then the restday is OVER... The last part of #Tdf2011 is coming...had a good relaxt day.rasy ride,good lunch,long massage,dinner.

    Alberto Contador - Finishing the rest day,we need it.Eat different,sleep a lot and training a little.Now celebrate 28 birthday of Dani Navarro = Crack

    Geraint Thomas - Lovely second rest day, but all I've thought about is a big lamb Sunday roast!! (Welsh lamb i must add!!)

    Stuart O'Grady - My rest day started a nice breaky by our maestro chef Nikki. Small ride, lunch with my family and the rest of the day playing daddy! Perfect

    Manuel Quinziato - Rest day is going great! In a beautiful & relaxing country Hotel! Now "Live from the basement" (Radiohead) on air! What else?

    Levi Leipheimer - Summary of my day: slept 12hrs, rode 1hr, ate a billion calories, finished watching "Breaking Bad" and now getting massage. #tdf part trois

    Roman Kreuziger - That's rest day;sleep long,rode easy bike w/t @AstanaTeam and relax in bed...be4 us 6stage to Paris,is not so much,but will be pretty hard!!

    Ben Swift - Rest day's no better way to be spent then laying on your bed.

    Richie Porte - Rest days go too quick! Slept 2hrs this arvo, probably won't sleep at all tonight. Bring on Paris!

    Jens Voigt - just got told that the thor hushovd i follow is a fake one!what the heck?who and why would one pretend to be somebody else?get your own life
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    so they DO just sit around and eat!!

    i KNEW it!

  • Matt the Tester
    Matt the Tester Posts: 1,261
    the get up and watch jeremy kyle like us normal folk :P
    Coveryourcar.co.uk RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Think Cav is having a bash on @petatodd if you follow twitter

    She tweeted yesterday that she had more rest than Cav yesterday due to the fact she had a migraine. She was with him last monday.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Stiff_Orange
    Stiff_Orange Posts: 218
    Beer, Fags and hookers
  • Stiff_Orange
    Stiff_Orange Posts: 218
    Beer, Fags and hookers

    Sorry I thought you said what do Premier League Footballers do on their day off?
  • JamieRa
    JamieRa Posts: 82
    Beer, Fags and hookers

    Sorry I thought you said what do Premier League Footballers do on their day off?

    Thats made my day! :lol:
  • dawebbo
    dawebbo Posts: 456
    HTC do a man train
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Ezy Rider wrote:
    Crem wrote:
    What do they do on their days off ? The same as any other day... drugs.


    so far only 1 druggie story that i know of , thats a heck of a reduction from previous years.

    Yes - that's probably because all the journalists are not hacking as much as they used to!

    These guys are phenomenal athletes but there still has to be a lot of drug taking involved IMO - I may be wrong.

    Anyway Cav said after his win the other day that he just couldn't sleep - obviously because of all the adrenalaine after winning.

    My head would be in bits after riding over 100 miles - my body was completely shagged - couldn't sleep and watching the minutes tick by until the sun came up and I knew i had to do it all over again!!

    Bit like Christian Bale in The Machinist - which ironically I watched when I couldn't sleep - and then kept me awake contemplating what darkness I had just witnessed.

    He is great in Harsh Times too - I know completely off topic and rambling...
  • He's amazing in The Fighter as well :) good actor IMO!
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