Pédale! - new French magazine

frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
edited July 2011 in Pro race
Picked this up recently. It is the first edition and priced only at 5euro. A superb magazine I am really enjoying reading it. I am not sure if they have gone all out for the first issue and wont be able to maintain it but if they are 75% as good in following issues I will certain pick it up when I can. Printed a bit more along the lines of Rouleur so matt pages, lots of good photos, several long articles and no gloss or flash. It is in French but if you can understand it, well worth a read.

The issue has the following. I have learnt a ton of good interesting info that I haven't come across elsewhere.
06- Pedalo : Hubert Dupont, Christophe Le Mével, Paul Poux, Geoffrey Soupe, Perrig Quemeneur. Cinq vrais champions pour des questions de con.
08- Oreillette : Est-ce que sucer, c’est gagner ?
10- Carré VIP : Jean-François Cayrey, Patrick Dempsey, Didier Wampas.
11- Prédiction : Le Tour de France 2011 à l’avance. Pas besoin de se faire chier devant la TV, Pédale ! déroule le fil de la course avant tout le monde. Avec un beau podium à l’arrivée.

Dans la roue
14- Riccardo Ricco. Accusé de s’être auto-transfusé son propre sang, le grimpeur italien, qui clame son innocence, risque une suspension à vie. Alors, sale gosse immature ou mouton noir d’un peloton de brebis ? Rencontre exclusive à Rimini avec le “Cobra”, héritier contrarié de Marco Pantani.
58- Daniel Teklehaimanot. Si tout va bien, l’Erythréen, 22 à peine, devrait devenir le premier coureur d’Afrique noire à disputer un Tour de France. Autant en parler dès aujourd’hui. D’autant qu’il en déjà vu de belles.
90- Graeme Obree. Déprimes, chansons tristes, tentatives de suicide, coming out et records du monde. Il y a tout ça dans la vie du pistard écossais, et bien plus encore.

20- Mondo Vino. Ils portent le nom de la capitale, arborent le drapeau sur le maillot et chantent l’hymne national sur le podium. Voyage au pays d’Astana, équipe cycliste au profit glorieuse nation Kazakhstan. Et de son champion Vinokourov.

26- Bernard Hinault. Comment perdre un doigt dans Liège-Bastogne-Liège, tomber dans le fossé au Dauphiné, lâcher des mecs dans les bosses, discuter avec Tapie et gagner cinq Tours de France. Les leçons du Blaireau.
54- Eddy Merckx. Le plus grand sportif du XXème siècle évoque le cyclisme du nouveau millénaire. Et parle même de la scission qui gangrène son plat pays. Tête-à-tête avec Monsieur Eddy.
80- Cyrille Guimard. Le mythique directeur sportif d’Hinault, Fignon et Van Impe donne rendez-vous au resto, vide des bières et refait le peloton. Attention, interview politiquement pas correcte.

32- Paris-Roubaix en chasse-patate. C’est l’histoire d’un journaliste qui attaque la vodka, fume des clopes, tape des Efferalgan mais veut faire Paris-Roubaix. Et qui finit hors-course au bout de trois kilomètres.

40- Docteur j’abuse. Mais qui est donc le sulfureux Dr Fuentes ? Du franquisme à la ONCE, des laboratoires universitaires aux pistes d’athlétisme, des Canaries à l’opération Puerto, retour sur l’itinéraire du médecin le plus scandaleux de l’histoire du cyclisme.
62- La folle histoire du Groupement. Ils devaient devenir le Real Madrid du cyclisme. Au final, l’équipe française Le Groupement, montée autour de Luc Leblanc, finit dans les vapeurs du scandale et les dérives sectaires. Enquête sur le plus beau crash du vélo nineties.

68- Bord de route. Les 4 jours de Dunkerque et le Tour de la Sarthe 2011 vus du bas-côté.

74- Frank Vandenbroucke, le chasseur de tigres. Successeur de Merckx à 19 ans, numéro un mondial à 24, camé à 25, mort à 34, le Belge a raté sa vie aussi vite qu’il gagnait ses courses. La trajectoire d’une rock star épilée des mollets.

94- Luc Moullet, cinéaste. Le réalisateur du mythique film à deux roues Parpaillon discute cols de légende, caméra et amphétamines. Ce qui promet pas mal.
96- Jean-François Daraud, fantaisiste. Discussion avec “Monsieur scoumoune”, accidenté de la vie, ancien coureur amateur et homme politique créateur d’une liste électorale nommée EPO. Ce qui en dit beaucoup.
98- Mon vélo pour un cheval. Deux coureurs cyclistes, Jimmy Casper et Jimmy Engoulvent. Deux bourrins, Torino d’Auvillier et Quid de Pintignies. Qui va le plus vite ? C’était le 8 juin dernier, à Laval.

44- République Schleck
Il est tellement doué qu’on prédit qu’il finira sa carrière avec plusieurs Tours de France dans la musette. Oui, mais Andy Schleck aime aussi la bière, le gibier, son frère et les parties de pêche. Rencontre avec un jouisseur qui n’a pas encore décidé si gagner valait le coup de renoncer à la vie.

http://www.sofoot.com/pedale-hors-serie ... azine.html

Contador is the Greatest


  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,662
    What do they say about the Schleckster?! (be honest now FF!!)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Some good stuff actually. One sec, I'll type a few things up.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    edited July 2011
    The Vuelta incident when he was chucked out by Riis, his dad says he had a go at him when he came back but that '...there was half the Tour of Spain in that nightclub. Including riders from SaxoBank...'

    Giro07. They didnt bring a big team, Riis wasnt there. I made Andy my leader with some ambitions, nothing special. He was only 21 and he thought about nothing expect attacking. One stage he attacked from the base of the climb but got caught for 40secs by Di Luca. After he was really happy...'you see I got the white jersey!'... He could have won that Giro that year. I had the impression that he didnt care.

    Fleche de Sud 04. Andy is 19. 'At the time, I knew the route more than him so I advised him. The penultimate day I told him to watch out as it climbed for 4km. Then at the base of the climb I saw him attacking and said to myself, he's mad, he will blow. But no one saw him again and he took the GC lead. A scooter. The next day my DS asked us to ride over him. I refused - I wasnt going to try and make a guy with such talent lose.

    'I've always said I have directed four great riders in my career: Hinault, Fignon, LeMond and Andy.' -Guimard.

    The night of the Monaco prologue he recce'd the route on the back of a scooter...

    One day of the Giro he turned up at the start wihout his bibshorts. Another time, I saw him do a u-turn and ride against the flow for several 10s of metres....he had lost his shoe.

    He has absolutely everything to win the Tour. Apart from maybe really having the will to.

    He got nabbed doing 101km/h in a 50km/h zone.

    He is a rider that needs to let himself go, more so than other riders.
    -Kim Anderson.

    He lived with his parents until last Christmas, when he moved 500m down the road.

    Cannot fully understand it but think it says there are three brothers - Steve the other who is eldest.

    Frank is the exact opposite of his brother.

    The problem of their tandem riding is we never know who is riding for who. Andy lacks maybe some ego. Ego is just what makes the Grand Champions.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    And at Callac in 1982, what was that?
    Hinault: Another problem, with the federation this time. A doping problem a bit special, that one went badly...

    Can you say more?
    No, no (laughing)
    (Hinault, Vallet and Bernaudeau, the first three in the crit, refused to be controled, saying these courses were a bit 'special', and therefore a 'special' preparation is needed.)
    Contador is the Greatest
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    He could have won that Giro that year. I had the impression that he didnt care.

    That one quote sums the whole thing up in my opinion.

    Cheers for the info Frenchie.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,662
    Any good stuff? Independent journalism needed here FF (or not given that you re just doing us a favour...)

    In fairness to him 500m down the road is probably the far side of the country for Luxembourgers!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    The fact that he has an attacking mentality! A precocious and carefree youngster at the races early on.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Thanks ff!
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    He definitely is an attacking rider.

    Contador is the Greatest
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    Where did you find the mag Frenchie? I tried to look on the link you gave but just got bombarded by pop up adverts so closed it.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,662
    Would it be fair to say it's Rouleur but in French or is it less...erm...wanky than that?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • skylla
    skylla Posts: 758
    He got nabbed doing 101km/h in a 50km/h zone

    must have been on a cold day when again he had forgotten his bib shorts... [wipe mental image]