Anyone fancy doing Fred Whitton route on 3rd/4th Sept?

rodgers73 Posts: 2,626

I'm looking for some other riders to tackle the Fred Whitton route on the weekend of 3rd/4th September.

I'm not overly keen to do this alone and cant find a support car person to accompany me either.

I'm not looking for experts or super fit riders, just average riders who fancy having a go. I'm still new(ish) to cycling so I wont be flying up the hills, but should finish ok.

No detailed plan as yet - just seeing who might be interested.




  • percey
    percey Posts: 53
    am very interested, prob live quite a way from you, but that would be good training b4 i attempt the great north run on the 18 sept, also im no racing snake either, but am v keen, send us any info if you can to,,
    cheers paul
  • Variance
    Variance Posts: 130
    I would be interested and I live local so wouild be no probs getting there/back. Fitness wise I'm not sure at the mo, we'll see how the summer goes!

  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626

    I'll get some info off to both of you shortly.

    Any other takers??

  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Just back from L2P ride - will post some details in next couple of days.
  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    I'm pretty local and have done the route a few times now. Drop me a pm nearer the date and I'll see if I can come along.
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    I work in Wakefield so I can come up to Coniston straight from the office on Friday night and do the route on Saturday morning, or come up Saturday evening and do it Sunday. I'm happy to work to whatever fits with you guys.

    I'd probably get a room somewhere the night before and the night after so I can get a hot shower after finishing and not have to drive home while feeling exhausted. If anyone wants to save a bit of cash and share a twin room (not a double! :wink:) I'm ok with that.

    The route is on the 4 Seasons Fred Whitton Challenge website -

    - as well as details of how you can get an official time added to their website. I'm not too bothered myself and will probably use a bog standard stopwatch.

    Given my fitness isn't Tour standard (did Etape du Dales in 10.5 hours this year including stops) I'd prefer an early-ish start to give us a full day to tackle it and not end up under pressure at the end of the route. Maybe 7.30ish? Overall though my aim is to finish, not to break records. Sunset is at 7.45pm for that weekend so 12 hours would be more than enough for a good ride plus a few unexpected stops for punctures etc.

    I'm happy with not riding as a tight group the whole way round if it turns out we have different paces but ideally we'd be waiting for each other to catch up occasionally to preserve some sort of cohesion. I'd enjoy some company but, more importantly, I'm looking for other riders so that I don't end up stranded/injured and in trouble on my own if anything goes wrong

    Would enjoy going for a beer and/or curry afterwards, or the night before if any of you are staying over on Friday/Saturday night,

    I think that's as much of a plan as I can come up with for now - looking forward to your thoughts.


  • Variance
    Variance Posts: 130
    That all sounds fine to me Tom.

    It seems we probably have a similar level in terms of fitness, although the distance is more than I'm used to I've ridden a couple of the passes before but not hardknott!

    I don't think I would stop over as i only live an hr away but would def stop for a pint/curry afterwards!

  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Great stuff!

    Percey has emailed to say he prefers doing it on the Sat - is that ok with you?

  • Variance
    Variance Posts: 130
    Sat is fine with me.

    I check this forum most weekdays but not at weekends so if you prefer you can e-mail me at
