Jealous on my commute

Mark Bom
Mark Bom Posts: 184
edited July 2011 in The bottom bracket
I left my house at 0630 as usual for my daily commute to Heathrow dressed in my normal mismatched commute gear with pockets full with my lunch.

As I negotiated a mini roundabout I noticed a couple of cyclists coming up and shortly after could hear them behind me sucking my wheel. I kept up a good pace to see if I could shake them, but they stayed with me and drafted me for about three miles.

Just as I was getting the arse the woman pull alongside and asks where I'm heading.

Turns out they are an Australian couple staying overnight in one of the airport hotels ready to fly to France to watch the Tour.

There I was, looking shite on my way to work while they were decked out in choice kit on their way to watch a few stages in the Pyrenees.

Nearly gave them wrong directions I was so envious!