Beeston Canal - Nottingham

mw22 Posts: 78
edited July 2011 in Commuting general
Does anyone else use the Beeston Canal for commuting??

If so, I'd be interested if you'd had any issues with lovely narrow boat "gypsies" who are once again trying to control the towpath.

You really cant miss them. Its the boat just after the "Cyclists slow down" placard (which I now believe has a 4mph "limit"), with all its owners possessions on the outside stacked up on the grass verge... the camp chairs in the middle of the path, the giant rotweiller blocking any remainder of the path.
Last night they decided to cook by open fire destroying the remaining grass verge they dont use.
And not forgetting the bl00dy GAZEBO they've erected over the actual tow path!!

Be interested in any other comments


Road: Kuota Kebel
TT: Canyon Speedmax
Work: Norco search


  • wgwarburton
    wgwarburton Posts: 1,863
    Give BW a ring, they'll take a dim view of someone blocking the tow path. Give them the name of the boat, location (maybe reference the nearest bridge number) and preferably the licence number. You don't need to say you were cycling, if you don't want to...
  • Not been down there but planning a ride next week from Ilkeston to Nottingham waterfront for a beer or two on the way home.I'd be interested to know if you can actually get past or do I need to find a different route? :?
  • mw22
    mw22 Posts: 78
    Oh you can get past... they just make it so you have to slow down.

    I've contacted British Waterways and they are gonna send a couple of enforcement officers around to see whats going off.

    The gazebo has come down - which was a shame as I put the helmet cam on this morning to grab some footage.

    Road: Kuota Kebel
    TT: Canyon Speedmax
    Work: Norco search