Ridiculously Ignorant Driver

gingernash Posts: 123
edited July 2011 in Commuting chat
A Jaguar passed me very, very close last night. They then stopped at the lights so I rode up and said to him through open passenger side window:

"Bit close there mate"


"I said you passed me too closely" *indicates with hands gap*

"Look, I get enough fucking shit from cyclists all day long so don't need any of your rubbish".

*Speeds off following change to green*

Now, this guy is obviously ridiculous as he cannot see that his driving appears to incite cyclists all day long. Although some of it might be overly-aggressive cyclists, at least half would be him being a joker. How he cannot make the link is beyond me.


  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    There are idiot's all over the place. It is a shame because 99% are fine (think how many cars pass without incident each day), but it is just the 1 tit who spoils it for everyone.

    I was coming through town in to work this morning and there are two lanes of slow traffic up a small hill to some lights. I always filter towards the front as I can judge the lights and it allows me to leave the lights without being tangled up in traffic had I stopped then tried a hill start.

    Lights go green, I slot straight in behind another car as we go then move left to the edge of the road again. Road goes up hill for another 100 meters before some more lights.

    Som guy about two cars back comes past me and purposefully cuts right in in front of me, speeds to the top of the hill and sits at the lights.

    Me, making a point of being calm:
    "Excuise me mate, if you pass me that close you could knock me off and potentially kill me. It's not really worth it is it"

    Him: "You should be riding in there (pointing at the gutter)"

    Me: "I shouldn't, why pass me so close"

    Him: "Ride there, not in the middle of the road"

    You simply can't reason with people like that. In his mind, it is completely reasonable to bully someone on a bike with a car because they are doing something wrong (in his mind). Some people are spectacularily stupid. Frighteningly so.
  • hoolio
    hoolio Posts: 139
    There are idiot's all over the place. It is a shame because 99% are fine (think how many cars pass without incident each day), but it is just the 1 tit who spoils it for everyone.

    You simply can't reason with people like that. In his mind, it is completely reasonable to bully someone on a bike with a car because they are doing something wrong (in his mind). Some people are spectacularily stupid. Frighteningly so.

  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    >>>>>>>> Rant thread