Looking for a club/ training partner

loukir Posts: 65
I have recently completed my first sportive, and despite it almost killing me I am keen for more! One thing which became very apparent was just how tough it was doing the ride on my own, something I'd not reallyconsidered on previous training rides.
I am looking for find a club/ partner who would help me force the pace and help me improve fitness and all round skill.
There are 2 clubs around me but I'm slightly intimidated about joining up and being left miles behind...... How fast/ slow do group rides go?
I live just outside hamble in southampton so looking for anything/ anyone around that area.


  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Best thing is contact the local clubs and see what they have on offer - people often assume clubs are made up purely of racers - ours has over 200 members (including kids, family members etc) and the majority of them don't race - at a guess maybe a quarter compete in road, cross or MTB racing.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • loukir
    loukir Posts: 65
    Thats excellent thanks. Perhaps it is the image of a whole load of racers flying into the distance which puts me off!!
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    There probably will be rides like that - chain gangs, maybe a racers club run - but lots of clubs will have other rides too.

    Thing is they may not always be formally arranged - bit of a catch22 at times as you need to be in the club for a while to know what is going on but why would you join in the first place if what is going on is not apparent to non members.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.