A couple of french road signs for ya...

zexel Posts: 54
edited July 2011 in Tour & expedition
I searched and can't find a comprehensive list of french road signs anywhere.

Here are a couple that I think are 'end of cycle lane' signs. What's the difference in meaning of the square and circular?




  • Keith1983
    Keith1983 Posts: 575
    Nothing, the backround colour and the red line are the significant parts of the sign.
  • mz__jo
    mz__jo Posts: 398
    There is an important difference. The round sign indicates a compulsary cycle path; the square one is optional (obviously since these signs indicate the end of the paths signalled there is in some peoples minds no difference but on a compulsary path all the signs will be round). I should be able to give the correct names to all these signs but I can't, never having had to do the Code de la Route exam. If I can find a suitable link I will post it.
    There are a number of rules on what you must and must not ride on a cycle path. I think most people are not aware of them. I would post them here except that I am not allowed to pose foot on the ground which limits my looking for them. They are unlikely to be observed!
    Cheers Jo
  • megilleland
    megilleland Posts: 786
    Here is a link to a series of French cycling signs, including the two above. I will leave mz_jo to translate correctly. As he says one is optional and the other compulsory.
    The more you spend - the faster you go - the less you see.
  • zexel
    zexel Posts: 54
    Thanks Jo, excellent info as usual.

    Thanks for link too megilleland.
  • welton
    welton Posts: 65
    Thank you megilleland for the link - having lived and cycled in France for over 10 years - did not know such information existed! Naughty me. I am sure a lot of French roadies don't know all of this .
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  • mz__jo
    mz__jo Posts: 398
    This is a very useful link, I will see if I can doctor the page to add an english translation and post it.
    One interesting thing that cmoes out of reading this list is that the Code de la Route has apparently not been altered since my initiaror's course 12 years ago. Trailers and tricycles are not allowed on compulsary cycle paths. If you have a bike with a child-carrying trailer or third wheel or a trike, recumbent or otherwise you are supposed to use the road!! The racing cyclist is hounded onto the cycle path, the family with kids is pushed back into the motorised traffic!! Failure to comply could make you liable for a hefty fine. Fortunately no gendarme is likely to enforce it in the case of a family and all foreigners can reasonably claim total ignorence of such a stupid measure but it just shows why France is so far behind in utility cycling. I will look out the pages giving the exact details but it will have to wait until I am off crutches in september, I can't look in all the boxes without two good legs!
    Cheers Jo

    ps on the same subject I think I have already commented that cyclists face stiffer fines than motorists for jumping red lights and stop signs. This is something that is being pounced on as it is a nice little earner for the law. You have been warned - chances are fairly slim of being caught but the risk is very real all the same.