High Blood Pressure



  • Twostage
    Twostage Posts: 987
    bails87 wrote:
    I also get the heartbeat thing, I'll suddenly feel it very obviously beating for a few minutes and then it'll go back to normal. God knows what it is, but there's no family history of heart problems, I've had by BP/pulse taken a few times at the doctors with no concerns, and like you I eat fairly well, exercise and am fitter than a lot of my 'peers'.
    +1. I have that most of the time. When it started I got the ECG test etc. My doctor said my heartbeat was 'normal for me' and my heart was actually vertical rather than leaning to one side and I should stop worrying about it. Easier said than done and it was stopping me from sleeping so I started using 'quiet life' (valerian) which chilled me out and it went away for a few years.
    Its back now and I just treat it as a minor irritation which I put up with.
  • timestar
    timestar Posts: 226
    A single reading (high or otherwise) is useless - you need at least 3 consistently over 140 to be classed as high (hypertensive).Your GP can give you a monitor to wear over a 24 hour period to track your pressure or ask you to monitor at home to avoid "white coat syndrome" (nervous in the surgery so your reading goes up). Some have queried however how accurate these measures are - there was story in the press earlier this year claiming that thousands are on blood pressure medication who don't actually need it. Try looking at sites of the Blood Pressure Association or British Hypertension Society. You can always tackle lifestyle factors first (usual suspects - cut down on beer, salt, cholesterol, increase fruit + veg' and exercise). Be careful with monitors as some are better than others and they all need calibrating every 2 years to be accurate.
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    im currently under going test for quite hight blood pressure, i dont know the figures but the doctor said "something needs doing about it soon" which doesnt sound too good

    im 28
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • My blood pressure is consistently high at 130/90 but I don't worry about it as long as I feel OK. Before I went on medication for it it was around 160-170/110, I used to get migraines regularly but it didn't stop me cycling, in fact I think I lost a bit of performance after the medication possibly due to less red blood cells per litre I don't know.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Went to the docs this morning. He checked it with a manual pressure monitor and it came out as 138/82 which is still high but the systolic is not as high as as the readings I have had from the automatic machine. Interestingly the diastolic was way higher than any of the readings I have had. Yesterday I did a fast club run (about 60 miles), I took my pressure a coulpe of hours later and got 144/54! 54 is incredibly low diastolic!

    Doc told me to take a reading every morning with my monitor, just after I have got up. He seems to think that this is the most relevant reading. I know that in the mornings it's usually 120-130, it's later in the morning, early arvo that it goes up to 140+. Told me to record the readings and come back in a month...

    As for healthy living, there is literally nothing more I can do. I could literally be described as fanatical about my diet, I'm actually very interested in nutrition and I ALWAYS get at least "5 a day" if not more. I rarely eat meat, never add salt to food, don't drink much, cycle up to 120 or so miles per week and run about 6 miles. I have upped my co enzyme Q10 intake and have started taking hawthorn supplement....
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  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    i just rang my doctors an got my results from blood test, ecg an urine test...alll A-ok!

    so now i have to find out why my blood pressure is high, when it is really high i get a nasty headache right in my forehead above my eyes, which isnt pretty

    i got an appointment with a nurse, i will let you know how i get on
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • mudcow007 wrote:

    i got an appointment with a nurse, i will let you know how i get on

    Fnarr fnarrrr... eh? Appointment with a nurse ... eh?

    Srsly tho, I was told the headache comes when the BP's been high and drops again, something to do with the vessels in your brain shrinking back down when they've been stretched. I used to suffer terribly when I'd been country walking all day or especially If I had a big meal after not eating for 6+ hours. It strangely didn't occur after my 30 mile bike rides.
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    My BP was once 210/140. I got rushed to hospital, spent 2 weeks in intensive care, spent 5 years on intensive medication and then had major surgery which has completely changed my life - Im still on loads of meds and am unlikely to live beyond 65.

    Probably nothing though.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    My BP was once 210/140. I got rushed to hospital, spent 2 weeks in intensive care, spent 5 years on intensive medication and then had major surgery which has completely changed my life - Im still on loads of meds and am unlikely to live beyond 65.

    Probably nothing though.

    Bloody hell....
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  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    you should have seen the other guy...
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    you should have seen the other guy...

    Seruiously though, how did it get to be so high? Did you ever find out?
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  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    chronic oedema - (water retention). It puts pressure on your blood vessels and pushes the blood pressure up.