Garmin 800, OSM and postcodes

rich164h Posts: 433
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Been using my new Garmin 800 over this last week and it's a pretty amazing piece of kit. Not too impressed by the quality of the screen but I guess I've just been spoilt but the pin sharpness of an iphone4. The only other problem I've had is that it went flat on me after only 6 hours or so from fully charged (Which was annoying 10 miles from the end of a 100 mile sportive!), so I guess I need to have a think about the various backlight settings etc. Overall though I think it's jsut a case of learning it's foibles and working around them as it's certainly not a simple plug-and-play piece of kit if you want to get the best out of it.

Anyway, I bought the bare bones pack and installed the OpenStreetMaps mapping from talkietoaster and in terms of following courses it's fine. One thing I've noticed though is that it seems to miss out postcode navigation. In fact the "where to" -> "address" menu only gives the option of "spell state/province" for which there are no data behind.

Does anyone know if there's a proper postcode or address searchable version OSM? or whether there needs to be an additional database file installed on the SD card somewhere for this functionality?




  • This is exactly what I'm trying to find out too! Would really appreciate any advice!
  • CRAIGO5000
    CRAIGO5000 Posts: 697
    Regarding backlighting. I can have mine completely off in the day. At night just a few clicks up.

    I did a 133 miler a few months back in 7 hours and I still had 35% battery left with zero backlight. I was also running a Garmin cadence/HRM if that adds any further battery consumption - who knows?
    Ribble Stealth/SRAM Force
    2007 Specialized Allez (Double) FCN - 3
  • wongataa
    wongataa Posts: 1,001
    Postcode data isn't very good for OSM. The Royal Mail own the official data and that can't be used in OSM. I believe people are trying to make their own postcode database for it. More information should be available somewhere on the OSM website. If you really want to navigate using post codes you need to buy Garmin's City Navigator maps.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Glad I'm not the only one who can't find places when using OSM on their 800.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Has anyone tried this

    It's a bit complicated and requires someone good with Excel and computer-m-bobs.

    If it works on Garmin 800s then it's something I could write a computer program to automate a bit more, but I don't want to do that if it doesn't work in the first place. I haven't got OSM on my 800 (yet) so I can't test it myself.
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    CRAIGO5000 wrote:
    Regarding backlighting. I can have mine completely off in the day. At night just a few clicks up.

    I did a 133 miler a few months back in 7 hours and I still had 35% battery left with zero backlight. I was also running a Garmin cadence/HRM if that adds any further battery consumption - who knows?

    Me too. Backlight off and oddles of charge for a long day's ride. There is a lot of very useful Garmin stuff here
    Purveyor of "up" :)