How long can I expect rims to last?

BigDonn Posts: 27
edited July 2011 in Commuting general
Hi - been checking out these forums for a while but this is first time that I've got round to posting!

I just want to see how long people expect their wheel rims to last when commuting every day? I've been commuting every day for some time now and treated myself to a new road bike last October after I wore out my old MTB. My commute varies (depending on weather!!) - short route is only 4 miles each way but I would tend to go the long way to work a few mornings a week, anything up to 25 miles but average would be about 10. I'd also try and get out to do a few longer rides a couple of times a month.

I've got Shimano WR500 wheels on my road bike - reckon they've done just over 2000 miles but the rims are already appearing pretty worn. The rim wear indicator on the rear wheel has disappeared and the rims are concave on the braking surfaces. Does this indicate that they need replacing??

I can't be doing that many miles compared to a lot of people out there - surely rims on wheels must last longer than mine appear to be!! Can people tell me how often/many miles they're having to replace wheels?


  • supertwisted
    supertwisted Posts: 565
    BigDonn wrote:
    The rim wear indicator on the rear wheel has disappeared and the rims are concave on the braking surfaces. Does this indicate that they need replacing??

    It certainly does, time to go shopping!

    Commuting is pretty harsh on componentry and braking surfaces in particular. What brake pads are you using? Koolstop salmon compound pads are generally regarded as having good stopping power whilst being soft on rims.
    Less internal organs, same supertwisted great taste.
  • bobbygloss
    bobbygloss Posts: 317
    My bike had cheap Rigida Nova rims, the rear one wore out (developed a bulge) after 6000 miles of daily commutes all year round. That was with budget brake pads too, but on rural roads with very little braking work.
    2000 miles seems a bit low, unless you're riding in really sandy or gritty conditions.
  • Do you ride hard (and therefore brake hard)? Do you have lots of hills on your commute? I'd hope to get close to 10,000 miles from a set of rims, but then I try any anticipate and coast up to lights and obstructions so that braking is rarely heavy.
    Nobody told me we had a communication problem
  • I've just had to replace a wheel due to a worn rim (Mavic) and I estimate it's done 8-10K miles of 4 season commuting without much TLC. Seems like a reasonable expectation.
  • BigDonn
    BigDonn Posts: 27
    Do you ride hard (and therefore brake hard)? Do you have lots of hills on your commute? I'd hope to get close to 10,000 miles from a set of rims, but then I try any anticipate and coast up to lights and obstructions so that braking is rarely heavy.

    When ever I go for a longer route, I'm taking in some pretty steep hills on country roads which require a fair bit of braking on 35+ mph decents. I would usually average 17-18mph and would hit a fair bit of traffic. That said, I'd still have expected the rims to last longer than this.

    Anyone have any suggestions for a good commuting wheel? Think that I'm going to try upgrading brake blocks from budget brand too - currently got some cheap but fairly hard compound blocks which possibly aren't helping.
  • El Gordo
    El Gordo Posts: 394
    2000 miles seems very low but as everyone else says, it depends... If they are concave and the indicators have disappeared then you are certainly in need of new hoops.

    On my old commute which was flat and rural I barely touched the brakes and got 20000 miles out of a pair of average shimano wheels. My new shorter but hillier and busier ride has chewed through a pair after about 8000.

    Every winter I listen to the horrible wet dirty grinding noise from my brakes and think about getting a bike with discs.
  • Commuting wheels have been discussed before (for instance here)
    Nobody told me we had a communication problem
  • BigDonn
    BigDonn Posts: 27
    Commuting wheels have been discussed before (for instance here)

    Cheers - will take a look.

    Thanks for all the advice guys