Actually got an apology from a driver today!

graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
edited July 2011 in Commuting general
As I was cycling into work this morning a plumber in a transit passed me so closely his wing mirror practically brushed my right ear. I looked up and saw him pull up at the back of a long queue of traffic I was approaching. I considered giving him the finger, or banging on the side of his van as I went past, but instead decided to try and explain to him that he needs to give cyclists a bit more room.

I drew level with the driver's window, and calmly said "You passed me pretty close back there mate"
He wound down his window, and I repeated what I'd said. He looked quite hurt and surprised and said "Nah, nah, I saw you!"
"Ok, but you were way too close when you passed me"
"Ok, sorry"
"Cheers mate"
And with that I cycled off.

Haven't tried speaking to a driver about something like this in absolutely ages (well over a year). In the past they've always been rage-fuelled, sweary, shouting matches which leave me even more angry than I was when I started, but I can't help but think that was in part down to the way I approached the situation.

Perhaps this guy was just a decent sort who made an honest mistake rather than a scumbag who was trying to kill me and that's why we had a more civilised exchange.


  • Cycle100
    Cycle100 Posts: 16
    No there's a first, driver apologising!
    I could do with an apology and a new front wheel from the bus driver who ran me up the pavement last week.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    A driver waved his hand in apology to me on Monday after he almost took my front wheel out whilst turning right, across my path at a T junction, cutting right across my side of the road. If I hadn't been paying attention, I would have been over and possibly under his wheels....
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Had a few incidents over the last few months but for every angry situation i feel i have also had a few where even though the car driver has been in the wrong i have relaxed and laughed. Most drivers respond with a cheery wave in this situation.