New and need advice

thefartingcockeral Posts: 394
edited July 2011 in Road buying advice
I have been an avid MTBer for years and now want to buy a road bike for those long weekend rides, commute and for mini triathlons.
I have had back probs in the past and rode a Trek Pilot fo a few weeks with its relaxed postion which was fine, but it is no longer made no more. What would be a good model now to buy with a more relaxed seating position.


  • Wacky Racer
    Wacky Racer Posts: 638
    If you have had a back problem I wouldn't rely on feedback from here. Best to get into a decent bike shop and get fitted up properly. At the very least try a few out and see what is right for you.
    Ridley Orion
  • Thanks for your honesty Wacky Racer. I have a Trek snd Spesh dealer near me.
  • gaddster
    gaddster Posts: 401
    the roubaix style frames are pretty relaxed riding positions..
    "Hello oh great one"
    "Are you talking to me or my ass?"
  • dg74
    dg74 Posts: 656
    Echo Wacky Racer - get fitted up at your LBS if they do bike fittings. Nothing worse than throwing out hundreds/thousands of pounds on a bike to find it's going to screw your back up more.

    Oh and Specialized Secteur or Roubaix models may suit you, sir.
  • thanks all. I di like the look of the Spesh bikes.