Looking for Trails / routes around Daventry area

murfer Posts: 3
edited July 2011 in Routes

First post so take it easy on me!!

Me and the wife have both purchased new mountain bikes and are loving getting out and about on them.

I would love to have a go on a purpose built trail so was wondering if anyone knows of any local to Daventry.




  • hoochylala
    hoochylala Posts: 987
    There are no purpose built trails at Daventry sadly :(

    Your best option would probably to get in touch with Rugby MTB Club - a quick google will give you their website - very friendly bunch indeed and will show you some local routes nearby.

    Failing that you could get yourselves up to Sherwood Pines (great for beginners) or maybe Cannock Chase.
  • murfer
    murfer Posts: 3
    Sherwood looks V good, will have to get the bike rack attached and off we go.

    Looks good having different levels of trail's.

    Thanks :)
  • Jawa
    Jawa Posts: 81
    I'm in Rugby so just up the road from you, your best bet is Cannock Chase which is about an hours drive from Rugby, probably add 15mins from Daventry.
  • TrekinDan
    TrekinDan Posts: 9
    I can recommend Cannock if you like singletrack. There is
    Also a blue family route as well. £3 for a days parking.
  • n.battison
    n.battison Posts: 57
    Have you been to harlestone firs just outside northampton, some good little trails in there if you can find them!
    My Bikes And Me
    A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired.
  • pemsey
    pemsey Posts: 107
    Some new stuff has been built over at Rockingham Forest near Corby - Fineshade Woods - a search should find it for you. Not been myself - but it's about the closest "official trails" to you AFAIK - though Woburn would probably take less time to get too!!