Stolen Reflex 'Classic' Manhattan bike in Manchester

bobbypie Posts: 2
edited June 2011 in Road stolen
Hi there, I had my bike stolen after one day, yeh, I know, nice! I had locked it up with my cable lock and probably should have spent more time on a lock in hindsight, but I was told I had a good one. Anyway, I locked it up at the bike rails on the corner of Cavendish Street and Oxford Road. I have since found out that this area is notorious for bike theft, again, hindsight. I am currently constantly looking on Ebay and Gum Tree for any suspicious activity and, as yet, nothing. If anyone spots anything in connection to the above it would be great. I'm on;y doing this because I have found out that the bike is quite rare and the shop I got it from only had one left and it had been hidden in the warehouse. Therefore, I'm thinking there can't be many of these on the road and definitely not new ones, as the bike was discontinued some time ago and was mainly shipped to Belgium anyway.

Bike colour is black and silver.

many thanks ;o)[/b]