License question

JSB24 Posts: 37
edited July 2011 in Amateur race
hi all,

Finally got round to getting myself a BC/racing license this week but as of yet I haven't received the membership card though the post. So, I hoping to do a crit next week, and my question is would I be able to race if it still hasn't come and instead give them the confirmation and membership number? Or as I suspect, am I not able to race until I present the actual membership card/racing license.



  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Give them a call and they'll email a .pdf of your license
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • JSB24
    JSB24 Posts: 37
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,051
    They normally send an email confirmation which you can print and take to the race
  • blackhands
    blackhands Posts: 950
    As a Commissaire I would usually let someone ride who produced a confirmation email - I've done this when it was on their phone. The only problem is if I want to withold their licence for any reason, although I take the view that I could always contact BC.