Bib shorts - unintentionally gay experience...

coombsfh Posts: 186
edited June 2011 in The bottom bracket
Ok, so I went to Evans today as a nice intermission from suit shopping as I needed some bib shorts. Was with a mate as I have no idea what I am looking for in terms of suits and he does. Also had cheques and cash to pay in... Scene set.

I am 6'1" ish and well built without being fat, so I thought Large would be my size. Very quickly, I learned that Large is not the size for my top at all. I am top heavy and even XL was too snug and XXL too baggy so for now I am sticking with a tshirt for cycling.

Being more normal in the leg department I thougth Large would be my size so duly went and shoehorned myself into a pair of bib shorts. If anyone has ever watched the film "Superbad" it was a little like the shopping scene at the end of the film.

Despite my mate not knowing a thing about cycling apparel, I emerged from the changing room in super-skintight shorts, socks pulled up, shaved chest (don't ask) and in front of a packed shop, began to discuss the merits and shortcomings what looked like a hyper-tight wrestling suit-cum-leotard.

Question, despite having been rampantly heterosexual recently :lol: I gay? :wink:

Have a good weekend,



  • Question?
    Did he put his 'gentleman's sausage into your chocolate starfish?'
    If you didn't stroll down the 'bournville boulevard' your not gay.

    Maybe a touch Metrosexual but that's another story!!
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Undoubtably. Probably the side effects from your medication.
  • coombsfh
    coombsfh Posts: 186
    No dick went in...mainly due to not being able to remove the shorts... Also got complimented on my tshirt by the guy at the counter in Evans...must just be a bit gayer than usual today?
  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    As a thnk you, for lunch, did you take him up the oxo tower?
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    if you're gay.

    which reminds me...

    The cyclist known as L.A.
    Used to suck himself off everyday
    He didn't like muff,
    It was not deep enough
    So everyone thought he was gay
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    if you're gay.

    which reminds me...

    The cyclist known as L.A.
    Used to suck himself off everyday
    He didn't like muff,
    It was not deep enough
    So everyone thought he was gay

    Are you doing a sponsored Limerick day? :)
  • coombsfh
    coombsfh Posts: 186
    Just tried my new shorts out and apparently being a bit gay is faster than being straight. Just got 32.2mph on the flat (my fastest yet) come thursday/friday I will be back in Wiltshire where I have some serious hills to introduce myself to; Manchester is too flat for me...

    Also feel incredibly bloated as I had a lot of meat for lunch (wink wink)...NO I went to Bem Brasil (

  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    We've only got your word for it that it was`unintentional'

    Usual interpretation of sexual line crossing is that you're only gay if you receive. Wearing bib shorts would make giving or receiving highly unlikely, especially in Evans.
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Did he put his 'gentleman's sausage into your chocolate starfish?'
    If you didn't stroll down the 'bournville boulevard' your not gay.

    Maybe a touch Metrosexual but that's another story!!

    Had to pick myself up from the floor after I read that. Chapeau'. :lol::lol::lol: