Good Evening...

El Capitano
El Capitano Posts: 6,400
edited June 2011 in The Crudcatcher
Wan Shang Hao Freaks!

Who the fandango am I?

Well, a more appropriate question, that has baffled medical experts and academics aloke for years is more What am I? :lol:

Not been on here much over the past few weeks, couple of reasons, themain one being the forum's bocked at work now and the other's that I've been preparing for a new job...

After struggling to get to grips with my 'ideal' role, I have finally decided to move back to something I know and will be more content doing. Although i'd initially enjoyed working within the health improvement area, I was more and more getting frustrated with the bureaucracy and 'old boy' networks that seemed to be in place.

Yes, I got to be involved in meetings where future plans for bike parks and trails in Wales were discussed, but that work was getting less and less and I was spending more and more time sat at my desk sorting out finance or other crappy admin type tasks for the branch.

So, after a bit of a chance meeting with an old colleague, I applied for a role, which will be looking after the 'diplomatic' links for Wales with China, Japan and Africa. I've got a fair amount of experience in this area. The interview went along the lines of "Hi, when can you start?" I'll be starting on Monday. :D

Granted, I'm going to be busy, but that's not a problem, (especially now the Forum's blocked). I'll also have to dust off my passport as I'll be travelling overseas again. At the moment, no more money, but there is definitely more of an apportunity to progress further up the food chain. I may also have to learn Mandarin and Japanese - hopefully not together or that will get very, very confusing...

So, what's been happening in Crudsville?
