Cleaning cassette / deraileur / crankset

derbygrimpeur Posts: 822
edited June 2011 in Workshop
I've just changed my crankset, deraileurs and cassette and am wondernig what the best way to clean the oil off the old stuff is?



  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Dunk in a jar of white spirit or diesel and give it a good scrub with a stiff brush. May need several changes of solvent if it's really gunked up. Rinse in hot soapy water and dry thoroughly in the airing cupboard before lubricating.
  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114

    rock climbing brush (think big stiff toothbrush...)

    and bowl of paraffin

    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    WD40 and the wifes toothbrush!
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Big bowl of the cheapest degreaser you can find - chuck old bits in, leave the whole lot for a while, give it all a scrub, chuck bits back in, repeat until clean.

    Rinse off with fresh water, throw soiled degreaser and bowl into next door's garden.

    Throw old bits on garage floor to dry off.