clicking freewheel

adamwood92 Posts: 32
edited June 2011 in Road beginners
might sound a strange request but when im rolling on my bike my freewheel is silent, however some of the guys ive seen riding have got ones that click or make a noise. just wondering whether it's possible to add one of these to your bike or whether they come specific with groupsets. i have shimano ultegra, any help would be much appreciated! thanks
nay denner rickta


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  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Freewheeling is for wusses !
  • nakita222
    nakita222 Posts: 341
    It comes with the hubs. a lot of wheels have it, especially campag/campy/campa wheels
  • deadlegs
    deadlegs Posts: 56
    I wish mine was silent! It means no one can tell when you're not trying :)

    Yes you can change the freehub for a 'clicky' one, although if it's an Ultegra one I'd keep it until it needs changing.
    Summer: Canyon Ultimate CF SL 2019
    Winter/Commuter: Planet X RT-58 6700
    Dead: Specialized Allez Elite 2009
  • Berk Bonebonce
    Berk Bonebonce Posts: 1,245
    The ones that click are the good ones. And the amount of lubrication can also have an affect.
  • nakita222
    nakita222 Posts: 341
    shit ones click as well, campag khamsin wheels are cheap wheels that click.
  • ThatBikeGuy
    ThatBikeGuy Posts: 394
    My Fulcrum 5s click...It's damn annoying, but i can't be assed to grease up the hub to stop it so i just MTFU and never freewheel. 8)
    Cannondale SS Evo Team
    Kona Jake CX
    Cervelo P5
  • Teach
    Teach Posts: 386
    If you want wheels that click, then as a child in the early 80s we used to attach a card to the frame so that the card clicked on the wheel at all times. I'm not sure why now. I think at the time it was to sound like a motorbike, but I realise now it was to sound like a bike with campag wheels. I obviously knew class at a young age!
  • sparkins1972
    sparkins1972 Posts: 252
    My Fulcrum Racing 5s or whatever they are called are the loudest wheels I have ever had - I use them instead of a bell!
  • ThatBikeGuy
    ThatBikeGuy Posts: 394
    My Fulcrum Racing 5s or whatever they are called are the loudest wheels I have ever had - I use them instead of a bell!

    +1 Shame i prefer the stealth approach :twisted:
    Cannondale SS Evo Team
    Kona Jake CX
    Cervelo P5
  • centimani
    centimani Posts: 467
    My Fulcrum Racing 5s or whatever they are called are the loudest wheels I have ever had - I use them instead of a bell!

    Easiest thing to fix sparkins. All you need is a 17mm spanner,for the locknut a 13 mm and remove the locknut, undo the sleeve with the 13mm, that'll allow the freehub to slide off exposing the ratchets. Put some oil on the ratchet machining and re-assemble. Quieter than a quiet thing then.
    Just take care when refitting the freehub, the spring ring that retains the pawls can come out of position. It took me 15 minutes to do.
  • mattward1979
    mattward1979 Posts: 692
    My shitty wheels on my bike are pretty silent... I love it!!

    TBH I can usually tell a Campagnolo owner because of the mad racket they make as I overtake them!!

    (Ooooooh I can sense the backlash =P )
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    My Fulcrum Racing 5s or whatever they are called are the loudest wheels I have ever had - I use them instead of a bell!
    I cured my 5s of noise by stripping the hub, giving it a thorough clean and then applying an even light coating of Castrol grease. It now sounds great ie quiet.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Are you mad??

    Mine clicks when it hasn't been cleaned / lubed after about 100 miles & I hate it!

    It drove me mad for a while and I even took the wheel into the LBS to see if there was a fault - just cleaned it & re-=lubed it and it was silent again.

    Started clicking again last night - drove me mad - will have to clean it tonight.
  • sparkins1972
    sparkins1972 Posts: 252
    centimani wrote:

    Easiest thing to fix sparkins. All you need is a 17mm spanner,for the locknut a 13 mm and remove the locknut, undo the sleeve with the 13mm, that'll allow the freehub to slide off exposing the ratchets. Put some oil on the ratchet machining and re-assemble. Quieter than a quiet thing then.
    Just take care when refitting the freehub, the spring ring that retains the pawls can come out of position. It took me 15 minutes to do.

    thanks for the advice centimani - any particular oil?

    I am in two minds - how am I going to scare old ladies now as I ride up behind them? Actually don't answer that...
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Light grease will do fine. I bought a tub of Castrol grease years ago when I had a Land Rover and it's still 3 parts full. Ideal for hubs, freewheels, headsets etc, but not chains.

    When you do strip the rear axle + freehub, make a note of which spacer goes where for when you put it all back together. The clip slips into the narrow recess to hold the ratchet pawls up; the right-angled end piece of the clip has to be worked into the hole that you'll see on the hub body. It really is a doddle once you've done it.
  • sparkins1972
    sparkins1972 Posts: 252
    thanks CiB - will have a look around my Dad's sheds wen I go to visit this weekend - he has loads of tubs of grease on the farm - bound to find something to suit.
  • ptr_
    ptr_ Posts: 126
    My Miche wheel clicks really loud, has never bothered me though. I was told that very cheap and very expensive hubs tend to click loudly... :?
  • I've noticed this too. I've also noticed the more expensive the bike the louder the free wheel seems to be - must just be another way to tell everyone how expensive your hubs are.
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    Clicky freehubs are quite good if riding in a bunch
    - you can tell when the guy 2 or 3 in front starts freewheeling...
  • I find the clicking good on my 5's, it keeps you peddling to keep the wheel quiet hence helping the fitness regime. The click is also good on quiet country lanes to get animals out of the road and not run in your path and warn horse riders etc..
  • paulc33
    paulc33 Posts: 254
    My fulcrum racing 5's also click loudly. I like it doesn't bother me and they run really smoothly.
    +1 for using it as a bell specially for people walking in a cycle lane. Seems to work well.
    Wouldn't change it and actually don't think I'd like to go back to a quiet free wheel.
    2015 Specialized S-Works Tarmac - Ultegra Di2 (7.0kg)
    Kinesis Aithein - Ultegra mechanical (7.3kg)
    Kinesis Maxlight Xc130 - xt/ xtr (11.3kg)

    spin to win!


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